We too have a 3584.  When an AUDIT LIBRARY checklabel=barcode (run daily) occurs, the 
arm moves over the entire library of tapes, reading the barcodes.  I have witnessed 
this.  If there is something that was done at installation time, of our LTO, to effect 
this, I couldn't say.  Maybe someone out there, intimate with the hardware, can let us 
all know.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/22/2002 11:53:54 AM >>>
At 11:03 AM -0700 10/22/02, KEN HORACEK said:
>With checklabel=barcode, all of the barcodes are read.  This is then
>checked with the internal memory of the library as to what the
>library's inventory says is where.

That's not what I'm seeing, and that's not what I think I'm reading
from others here.
When I execute the audit checklabel=barcode for our 3584 library, it
completes almost instantaneously with no movement of the library
robotics.  I don't see how it could possibly be reading the barcode
labels.  I suspect it's doing what I think others have suggested:
"remembering" the barcode labels that it has read previously.

At 2:02 PM -0400 10/22/02, David Longo wrote:
>I imagine the checkl=barocde was introduced to shorten audit, without
>it you would have to mount every tape in library - which would take
>some considerable time with some libraries!

I understand that reading the barcode is a good alternative to
mounting the tape and reading the internal label.  But what I'm
saying is that it doesn't appear to be reading the barcodes when the
audit is executed.

>  What you are doing is
>checkinbg the barcode label in library memory as opposed to checking
>magnetic tape label header.

That's what I thought .. checking the barcode label in library
memory.  But in my interpretation, checklabel=barcode should mean
read the barcode now, not tell me what it thinks it is based on its
memory of the last time  it read it.

>The ideal short way is to have the library do it's inventory, which
>barcodes and is quick, then do audit with checkl=barcode.

OK .. thatmakes sense.  The library inventory physically reads the
barcode labels and updates the internal memory if necessary, and then
the TSM audit checklabel=barcode causes the library's memory to be
synced with TSM.  In my opinion, the ideal short way  would be to
have the TSM audit checklabel=barcode command really tell the library
to read the barcodes, eliminating the need to do the library
inventory in a previous step.   When I say checklabel=barcode, I mean
checklabel=barcode, I don't mean check your internal memory. But I
don't know if that's a limitation in the library or TSM.


Matt Simpson --  OS/390 Support
219 McVey Hall  -- (859) 257-2900 x300
University Of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506
mainframe --   An obsolete device still used by thousands of obsolete
companies serving billions of obsolete customers and making huge obsolete
profits for their obsolete shareholders.  And this year's run twice as fast
as last year's.

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