That is because you are running the job as a command and the scheduler is
only starting a command in the background. That starting of the background
job is successfully and is reported to the TSM server as a success. But the
background command may fail and does not report it's status to the TSM
server in the form of the scheduled event.

If you look even further in the activity log you can see that the backup
failure is reported, something like 1 object of 2 backed up.
May even give a RC.

01/23/03 21:56:46     ANE4993E (Session: 1951, Node: exchange_node)  TDP
                       ACN3502 Data Protection for Exchange: full backup of

                       Information Store from server exchange_node failed,
rc = 418.
01/23/03 21:56:47     ANE4991I (Session: 1951, Node: exchange_node)  TDP
                       ACN3516 Data Protection for Exchange: Backup of
                       exchnage_node is complete.   Total storage groups
backed up: 1
                        Total bytes transferred: 113258706   Elapsed
                       time: 35.35 Secs   Throughput rate: 3128.74 Kb/Sec


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Warren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 4:40 PM
Subject: TDP for Exchange Schedule reports failure

We have an Exchange 2000 server with TDP for Exchange 5.1.5.  Currently, it
is scheduled to run a full backup every night.  The job reports that it
failed, but if I look at the activity log I see that the job actually
completed successfully.  Has anyone else seen this?


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