
I went through this a couple of years ago.  I still have my notes on
what I did, but I wouldn't promise that they're 100% complete (or even
represent the most sensible way to do this!).  The general procedure

0) Prevent tape activity in all servers (mountl=0 everywhere, drives
offline in lib mgr servers)
1) check out the tapes from the existing lib mgr server in groups, each
group being comprised of the tapes that belong to one of the lib mgr
client TSMs; keep these groups of tapes physically separate while
they're not in the library (don't mix the tapes up!)
2) check out the scratch tapes, keeping them in a separate group
3) change ownership of the library:  delete the paths/drives/library
from the old lib mgr server, define in the new one; then in the lib mgr
clients, define the new lib mgr TSM server (could be done ahead of time)
and update the 'primarylibmanager' parm(s)
4) check in the groups of tapes in the new lib mgr server, specifying
status=private and owner=xxxx for those tapes that belong to lib mgr
client TSMs and specifying status=scratch for the scratch tapes.

To accomplish #1, I used a series of select statements in the old lib
mgr server:

select 'checkout libv autolib1 '||volume_name||' remove=bulk
checklabel=no' from libvolumes where owner='TSM1'
select 'checkout libv autolib1 '||volume_name||' remove=bulk
checklabel=no' from libvolumes where owner='TSM2'

The select for #2 :

select 'checkout libv autolib1 '||volume_name||' remove=bulk
checklabel=no' from libvolumes where status='Scratch'

Piped the output of these selects into files.  I then broke the
resulting checkout statements into groups of 10 because I had an I/O
station with a capacity of 10 (probably not necessary...won't TSM just
yell every minute until you free up space in the I/O station?).  Ran the
checkouts and put the tapes on the shelf/counter/whatever temporarily,
making sure to keep the groups separate.

The checkins for #4 above:

checkin libvolume autolib1 search=bulk vollist=x status=private
checklabel=barcode owner=tsm1

Run repeatedly for each batch of 10 tapes for each tape-owning TSM lib
mgr client in turn.  This is why you've gotta keep those tapes
segregated; you're going to be assigning ownership in the new lib mgr
server strictly by which tapes you insert into the I/O station during
these checkins.  (I don't remember why I needed the 'vollist=x' parm,
but I assume it was necessary...in any case, things may have changed
since that time)

Finally, the scratch tapes get checked in:

checkin libvolume autolib1 search=bulk vollist=x status=scratch

...again in batches of 10.  If you're actually throwing away the old
lib mgr servers, then I think this about covers it; if you're going to
continue to use them as lib mgr clients, then there's some volume
history cleanup (of type=remote entries) that'll need to be done in

I don't have in my notes that an audit lib was necessary in the lib mgr
client TSMs after all this; I think that if you get the tape
checkouts/checkins correct, then it's not needed (and if you don't get
them correct then you've got some problems!), but I suppose it wouldn't
hurt to do one anyway, just to be sure.

Hope this helps,

Bill Kelly
Auburn University OIT

>>> Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 3/20/2007 12:36 PM >>>
We are working to replace our two AIX TSM servers (old, slow, still
SSA disk, etc) with new x86/Linux boxen.

Unfortunately, the tape library owners/managers are these two AIX

Has anyone here gone through changing which TSM server owns a tape
library, that can offer some hints, tips, suggestions ?

How did you accomplish this?  What steps did you take ahead of time?

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