Can we get an official statement about the future of ADT? From the outside 
it seems ADT is a little-bit abandoned project. It does not get any 
improvements, only the most crucial updates to stay compatible with the new 
SDKs. With ADT 23, even the compatibility updates were missing, it was 
released with lot of bugs, really core functionality are broken. I know the 
tools team puts really great effort to build Android Studio and the new 
build system, but it seems that just leaves no resources for the ADT.
So my question is: Should we count on ADT in the future, or it is wise to 
start to migrate our projects and workflow to ADT. I love Eclipse 
personally, so i do not want to switch to AS only i really have to, but if 
ADT will be no longer supported i guess i won't have any other options.

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