On Mon, 2010-02-22 at 21:13 +0900, Jim Grisanzio wrote:
> Caleb S. Cupples wrote:
> > I would like to propose the inclusion of the Tennessee Tech University Unix 
> > Users Group as an OSUG, because our group is dedicated to the advocacy of 
> > all *nix operating systems, and I feel the benefits of being associated 
> > with the OpenSolaris community will aid in spreading the word, especially 
> > given the lack of OpenSolaris advocacy groups in Tennessee.
> >
> > I myself am a fairly long-time Solaris/OpenSolaris user, and I do think 
> > that our group would be a great addition to the community, due to our 
> > feverish advocacy of operating systems which our members use. 
> >
> > Officers:
> > Phil Schmitt, <paschmitt <at> gmail <dot> com, President
> > Caleb Cupples, <cscupples42 <at> tntech <dot> edu, Treasurer (username: 
> > ds415)
> > Matthew Parrish, Secretary
> > Timothy Meyers, Sergeant At Arms
> >
> >   
> hi ...
> I need the os.org user names for these leaders. Also, what would be the 
> abbreviated name of the group? Do you have a web space and mailing lists 
> now or do you require both? Details here:
> http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Community+Group+advocacy/usergroups
> Jim


I'm currently the only one in the group, that I know of, with an os.org
username, and that is ds415. However, I am going to be in contact with
the other leaders today, and that should end up changing very quickly.
We currently are working with the Computer Science department here,
in-order to get webspace on-site, and we already have a mailing list,
via Google Groups. 

The proposed short name for the group is TTUUG. 

Caleb S. Cupples
Sociology Undergraduate,
Tennessee Technological University

Treasurer, TTU Unix Users Group

Email: cscupples at gmail.com

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