On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 11:35:25 -0500
Marc Slagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> While the stories on the site are great, almost none of them make any 
> mention of the financial success of the project.  They are very useful
> in showing other developers what mod_perl has to offer, but are 
> difficult to use in convincing someone who only cares about "revenue 
> generation."  If there is a way to go back and get the numbers on the 
> total dollar value of the orders run through the EToys system, it
> would probably be a good bit of information to include.  I only
> mention the EToys article because I think most people would point to
> it as "the" example that they would want to use in a conversation with
> management on why mod_perl should be used.
> I think that a lot of the time these stories are written by the 
> programmers, who are much more interested in proving that the 
> programming environment is superior (it is) than showing the financial
> gains made by switching over.  Perhaps a blurb reminding the author to
> include as much information on the money made/saved by their 
> organization could be added to the bottom of the success story page 
> where the instructions for posting are.

  I've been thinking about writing a success story related to my day
  job. Years ago we wrote a mod_perl application that handles all our
  our cable modem provisioning (we're a cable ISP).  

  Our system handles all of the current and future versions of the
  DOCSIS standard, runs on mod_perl/Apache/Postgresql, and has more
  features than the commercial offerings.  Most of the commercial
  offerings that come close are in the $100k price range, ours cost
  $6k in in-house development labor.  Granted I've got a kick butt
  mod_perl coder working for me, but it's still a nice success story
  with some numbers. 

  I could also talk about all of the other projects we've done in 
  ISP automation, news paper publishing, cable, telephone, and online
  publishing areas. 

  Anyone think this is a bad idea?  If not I'll get something worked
  up for the site in the next couple of weeks. 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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