Perrin Harkins wrote:
On Tue, 2004-11-30 at 11:35 -0500, Marc Slagle wrote:
If there is a way to go back and get the numbers on the 
total dollar value of the orders run through the EToys system, it would 
probably be a good bit of information to include.

Why would this be relevant?  To show that people trusted real money to a
mod_perl system?
I think a lot of people don't really trust perl for handling anything critical.  For some people I'm sure its the misconception that mod_perl is just "cgi scripting".  And I think the success stories show that mod_perl is in a class of its own.

Including the information that $X million is run through the system in a day/month/year would be more for the benefit of those who are not going to be doing the programming.  Sometimes it would help for a developer to go to their boss and show them the "numbers."  A lot of places where I've worked the management wasn't interested in much else.  If I had pointed them to the success stories on the site, the response would have been "It doesn't look like anybody is making money doing this." 

We obviously can't point managers to a huge Microsoft or Sun site that holds tons of articles and other materials that "prove" their solutions are the best.  I think we should maximize the impact the success stories have on non-programmer types.   I wasn't trying to pick out eToys for doing something wrong, it was just an example.


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