>>>>> "Marc" == Marc Slagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Marc>  If there is a way to go back and get the numbers on the total
Marc> dollar value of the orders run through the EToys system, it
Marc> would probably be a good bit of information to include.  I only
Marc> mention the EToys article because I think most people would
Marc> point to it as "the" example that they would want to use in a
Marc> conversation with management on why mod_perl should be used.

I also wish that some former Etoy-er (nudging Perrin) would *finish*
and *publish* the article that should have come out of EToys about
"why mod_perl".

Perrin, you know the one I mean, the study of *why* you chose mod_perl
there.  With real hard objective numbers about performance and defect
rates and time-to-deploy.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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