Stas Bekman wrote:
[another split, let's keep PR-how thread focused on one thing]

answering only to some ideas. Hoping that others will followup on the rest (fingers ache here, need to write some perl code and give my fingers a rest).

allan juul wrote:

 > * bullet list of perhaps 5 major reasons to upgrade
 > can someone tell joe public in very few sentences what i gain by
 > upgrading to mod_perl 2?

I guess there is more than 5, but it's a good idea. Any takers?

 > * timing - is 3-4 weeks a good date or does the news drown in
 > forgetfulness (xmas and new years hollidays). maybe it's even better to
 > wait to january ?
 > proper PR is probaly always well-planned. to me it looks like a very bad
 > idea to release in the middle of xmas fever (altought it's a very nice
 > christmas gift of course). it should also co-incide with the above
 > suggest of a possible banner of course

we aren't really trying to sell anything. And in any case 2.0 will most likely be released after XMAS. We still have some unfinished work to do, besides the unexpected bug reports.

 > * lastly, don't know if this has been discused before, i really think
 > that we should appoint 1-2 people responsible for the pr of this
 > software. [people who can afford the time envolved]


Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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