Shlomi Fish wrote:

While I may be invoking Joel's Quarreling Kids Rule here[1], I think a central wiki for Perl may be a good idea, not only as a way to consolidate all these specialised wiki's, but also to be "The Perl Wiki" which everyone will refer to. We can have for easy linking and good Google Juice.

I agree that wikis are a great idea. We have a not-so central one ourselves over at:

The original purpose was to provide a Perl portal for Australian Perl people, businesses and the like. However so far we've found that we still had more than enough spare space and bandwidth, so we've branched out and included:

        * Perl 6 FAQ wiki
        * Pod indexing wiki (in process of transition)
as well as all of our own stuff.

The wiki uses MediaWiki has an active admin population and bots to reduce the effects of wiki-spam.

I support the idea of a central wiki, but in the meantime if you want to use our wiki (which exists, has admins and hosting), you're very welcome.

All the very best,


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