Hi Mukut,

The AdWords API Sandbox will return only test data when making calls
to TargetingIdeaService. To get actual data, you need to get a
production developer token as Eric mentioned earlier and then use it
to make calls to the AdWords production server.

Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor.

On Jul 31, 7:20 pm, Mukut <muk143kan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> I am testing with keyword value "sony camera" and "onida tv" but
> response are same. Is this for using Sandbox or any error. because I
> have no result through this in my web page. But in Log folder's
> soap_log.txt file have an response as below
> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>
>   <soap:Header>
>     <ns2:ResponseHeader xmlns:ns2="https://adwords.google.com/api/
> adwords/o/v200909" xmlns="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/
> v200909">
>       <requestId>a85f3b31a5b3453853ce2e7d2c5243d1</requestId>
>       <operations>20</operations>
>       <responseTime>174</responseTime>
>       <units>20</units>
>     </ns2:ResponseHeader>
>   </soap:Header>
>   <soap:Body>
>     <ns2:getResponse xmlns="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/
> v200909" xmlns:ns2="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/o/v200909";>
>       <ns2:rval>
>         <ns2:totalNumEntries>300</ns2:totalNumEntries>
>         <ns2:entries>
>           <ns2:data>
>             <ns2:key>KEYWORD</ns2:key>
>             <ns2:value xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-
> instance" xsi:type="ns2:KeywordAttribute">
>               <ns2:Attribute.Type>KeywordAttribute</
> ns2:Attribute.Type>
>               <ns2:value>
>                 <Criterion.Type>Keyword</Criterion.Type>
>                 <text>sample keyword 1102684909 0</text>
>                 <matchType>EXACT</matchType>
>               </ns2:value>
>             </ns2:value>
>           </ns2:data>
>           <ns2:data>
>             <ns2:key>IDEA_TYPE</ns2:key>
>             <ns2:value xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-
> instance" xsi:type="ns2:IdeaTypeAttribute">
>               <ns2:Attribute.Type>IdeaTypeAttribute</
> ns2:Attribute.Type>
>               <ns2:value>KEYWORD</ns2:value>
>             </ns2:value>
>           </ns2:data>
>         </ns2:entries>
>         <ns2:entries>
>         this loop 20 times repeated ....
>    ...................
>    </ns2:entries>
>       </ns2:rval>
>     </ns2:getResponse>
>   </soap:Body>
> </soap:Envelope>
> Sir how can I get the original result. Please provide instruction.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Mukut Kandar
> On Jul 31, 6:15 pm, Mukut <muk143kan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > My code is as below
> >  AdWordsUser user = new AdWordsUser();
> >              //Get the TargetingIdeaService.
> >             TargetingIdeaService targetingIdeaService =
> > (TargetingIdeaService)user.GetService(AdWordsService.v200909.TargetingIdeaS 
> > ervice);
> >             Keyword keyword = new Keyword();
> >             keyword.text = urlTW;
> >             keyword.matchTypeSpecified = false;
> >             keyword.matchType = KeywordMatchType.EXACT;
> >             RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter searchParameter = new
> > RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter();
> >             searchParameter.keywords = new Keyword[]
> > { keyword };
> >             TargetingIdeaSelector selector = new
> > TargetingIdeaSelector();
> >             selector.searchParameters = new SearchParameter[]
> > { searchParameter };
> >             selector.ideaTypeSpecified = true;
> >             selector.ideaType = IdeaType.KEYWORD;
> >             selector.requestTypeSpecified = true;
> >             selector.requestType = RequestType.IDEAS;
> >             Paging paging = new Paging();
> >             paging.startIndex = 0;
> >             paging.startIndexSpecified = true;
> >             paging.numberResults = 20;
> >             paging.numberResultsSpecified = true;
> >             selector.paging = paging;
> >             try
> >             {
> >                 TargetingIdeaPage page =
> > targetingIdeaService.get(selector);
> >                 if (page != null && page.entries != null)
> >                 {
> >                     Console.WriteLine("There are a total of {0}
> > keywords related to '{1}'. The first {2}" +
> >                       " entries are displayed below: \n",
> > page.totalNumEntries, urlTW,
> >                       page.entries.Length);
> >                     foreach (TargetingIdea idea in page.entries)
> >                     {
> >                         foreach (Type_AttributeMapEntry entry in
> > idea.data)
> >                         {
> >                             if (entry.key == AttributeType.KEYWORD)
> >                             {
> >                                 KeywordAttribute kwdAttribute =
> > entry.value as KeywordAttribute;
> >                                 Console.WriteLine("Related keyword
> > with text = '{0}' and match type = '{1}'" +
> >                                   " was found.",
> > kwdAttribute.value.text, kwdAttribute.value.matchType);
> >                             }
> >                         }
> >                     }
> >                 }
> >                 else
> >                 {
> >                     Console.WriteLine("No related keywords were found
> > for your keyword.");
> >                 }
> >             }
> >             catch (Exception ex)
> >             {
> >                 Console.WriteLine("Failed to retrieve related
> > keywords. Exception says \"{0}\"",
> >                     ex.Message);
> >             }
> > And request with response is above reply. Please check it and guide
> > for solve the error.
> > On Jul 31, 5:11 pm,Mukut<muk143kan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Dear Sir,
> > > I am sending my total details of my web application and can't found
> > > the problem. Please verify these steps with spending some time to
> > > relief me from this problem.
> > > I am configure in my web.config for getting list on keyword  ideas
> > > using Google sandbox api as below and after running the code write a
> > > request and response in a Log file also
> > > as below. An error is returned in this application. But can't
> > > understand what to do.
> > > My application's is using ASP.NET 2008 and C# and goal to result like
> > > this url but just getting keywords
> > >    
> > > https://adwords.google.com/o/Targeting/Explorer?__u=4468366968&__c=25...
> > > Web services present in my web application are
> > >    KeywordToolService.wsdl,
> > >    TargettingIdeaService.wsdl and
> > >    AdGroupCriterionService.wsdl.
> > > Service is used as your suggestion "TargettingIdeaService" and code is
> > > use "awapi_dotnet_lib_9.0.0\Examples\v200909\GetRelatedKeywords.cs".
> > > Web.config file as below
> > >      <configSections>
> > >                 <section name="AdWordsApi"
> > > type="com.google.api.adwords.lib.ApplicationConfiguration,google-api-
> > > adwords-dotnet"/>
> > >      </configSections>
> > >      <AdWordsApi>
> > >                 <!-- Change the appropriate flags to turn on SOAP 
> > > logging. -->
> > >                 <add key="LogPath" value="D:\mywebsitename\Log\"/>
> > >                 <add key="LogToConsole" value="false"/>
> > >                 <add key="LogToFile" value="true"/>
> > >                 <add key="MaskCredentials" value="false"/>
> > >                 <!-- Fill the following values if you plan to use a proxy 
> > > server.-->
> > >                 <add key="ProxyServer" value=""/>
> > >                 <add key="ProxyUser" value=""/>
> > >                 <add key="ProxyPassword" value=""/>
> > >                 <add key="ProxyDomain" value=""/>
> > >                 <!-- Uncomment this key if you want to disable gzip 
> > > compression in
> > > SOAP requests.-->
> > >                 <!--<add key="EnableGzipCompression" value="false"/>-->
> > >                 <!-- Fill the header values. -->
> > >                 <add key="CompanyName" value="Test_Company"/>
> > >                 <add key="Email" value="muk143kan...@gmail.com"/>
> > >                 <add key="Password" value="mypassword"/>
> > >                 <add key="ClientEmail" 
> > > value="client_1+muk143kan...@gmail.com"/>
> > >                 <add key="DeveloperToken" 
> > > value="muk143kan...@gmail.com+usd"/>
> > >                 <!-- Application token is now optional and will be 
> > > ignored by the
> > > server. -->
> > >                  <add key="ApplicationToken" value="ignored"/>
> > >                 <!-- Uncomment this key and comment ClientEmail if you 
> > > want to
> > > specify customer id instead of customer email. -->
> > >                 <!-- <add key="ClientCustomerId"
> > >                 <!-- Uncomment this if you want to reuse an authToken 
> > > multiple
> > > times. -->
> > >                 <!--<add key="AuthToken" 
> > > value="ENTER_YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE"/> -->
> > >                 <!-- Uncomment this key if you want to use v13 sandbox. 
> > > -->
> > >                  <add key="LegacyAdWordsApi.Url" 
> > > value="https://sandbox.google.com"/
> > >                 <!-- Uncomment this key if you want to use AdWords API 
> > > sandbox. -->
> > >                 <add key="AdWordsApi.Url" 
> > > value="https://adwords-sandbox.google.com"/
> > >         </AdWordsApi>
> > > After running this code
> > > I gave a keyword as website url in a textbox and Click a button to
> > > generate Keyword Ideas list but get nothing after run.
> > > All the code is under OnClick button Event and a request and response
> > > are return into my sop_xml.log file into Log folder in D drive.
> > > The request and response is as below
> > > Request
> > > -------
> > > POST /api/adwords/o/v200909/TargetingIdeaService
> > > User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MS Web Services Client
> ...
> read more »

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