So I am facing same issue this day. I create accounts and they don't show 
up in Accounts. Only in Overview and when I want to create campaigns.
I am using this for development purpose. When I try query using getCustomer 
Every other problem is same with the author's. I can't still link them 
because it says I manage the accounts already.

On Monday, 10 September 2018 19:42:37 UTC+1, Teja Makani wrote:
> Hello Ivan,
> Glad the problem is resolved and thanks for sharing the brief details. 
> Please find my response below.
>    1. Ideally, there shouldn't be any delay to linkup a test client 
>    account when created through the manager account. You might need to 
> refresh 
>    the page, if they are not reflected instantly. If the problem persists 
> even 
>    after refreshing the page, you could report it to the AdWords product team 
>    through via the help icon in your Google Ads UI. 
>    2. Since, The "Set up OAuth2 authentication" section in this guide 
> <>
>  is 
>    generalized for test and production accounts, it does not mention as test 
>    manager account specifically. But, we need to determine it based on the 
>    accounts(Test/Production) for which we need to generate OAuth2 
> credentials. 
> Let me know if you have any further questions.
> Regards,
> Sai Teja, AdWords API Team.
> On Friday, September 7, 2018 at 4:17:41 PM UTC-4, Ivan wrote:
>> Teja, thanks for your help. It's solved now. In case it's useful for 
>> someone else, there were two different issues:
>> 1. Yesterday I was in fact logged in to my test manager account when I 
>> created the test client accounts (red label displayed, as in attachment), 
>> so I am certain I was creating them correctly and still they did not show 
>> up in the "Accounts" menu, only in "Overview", and even in "Overview" I 
>> could not link them to the test manager account, instead I kept getting the 
>> message "You can't link this account because it's already linked to another 
>> manager in this account hierarchy." However, I simply tried again today 
>> (same test manager, same previously created test client accounts, same 
>> menu) and this time they were linked successfully... It's either a bug or 
>> there's a set waiting time for linking test accounts.
>> 2. It turns out I that my OAuth credentials were for my production 
>> manager account, as I got them while logged in with it, but in fact I 
>> needed OAuth credentials for my *test* manager account, so I got a 
>> client ID / secret for the latter and it worked! The documentation says 
>> "While logged in with your manager account credentials, open the Google API 
>> Console Credentials page." In the interest of clarity, this should read 
>> "with your *test *manager account credentials."
>> Thanks again!
>> On Friday, September 7, 2018 at 4:26:57 PM UTC-3, Teja Makani wrote:
>>> Hello Ivan,
>>> You are right, the AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED 
>>> <>
>>>  occurs 
>>> when there is no link between the manager account authenticated in the 
>>> request and the client account specified in the headers. 
>>> While logged into AdWords as your test manager account, any client 
>>> accounts you create will automatically be test accounts under that manager 
>>> only. If you don't see the test accounts under your test MCC account, It 
>>> could be possible that while creating test accounts you might login as 
>>> another MCC account user. So, as a precaution you could use incognito 
>>> window of browser and login with your test MCC account to create test 
>>> client accounts 
>>> <>.
>>> If you don't want to create new accounts then you can un link the 
>>> accounts <> under 
>>> that another manager account and link them  
>>> <>to your manager 
>>> account. Alternatively you can link and un link accounts via API using 
>>> managedCustomerService.mutateLink 
>>> <>
>>>  service, 
>>> you could refer this guide 
>>> <>
>>>  for 
>>> more details. Also, you could fetch the list of accounts linked to your 
>>> manager account by using managedCustomerService.get  
>>> <>
>>> operation.
>>> If you are still facing issues, please share the MCC Id's of test 
>>> manager accounts and CID's of test client accounts, you could use *reply 
>>> privately to author* option while sharing the details.
>>> Regards,
>>> Sai Teja, AdWords API Team.
>>> On Friday, September 7, 2018 at 5:17:02 AM UTC-4, Ivan wrote:
>>>> Hello! 
>>>> I am trying to make my first API call, so I set up a test manager 
>>>> account and a few test client accounts (i.e. the dummy accounts created 
>>>> under the test manager account). But when running 
>>>>, I received this:
>>>> Error summary: {'faultMessage': 
>>>> "[AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED @ ; trigger:'<null>']", 
>>>> 'requestId': '0005753d9c9f13580a3706d12803025d', 'serviceName': 
>>>> 'CampaignService', 'methodName': 'get', 'operations': '1', 'responseTime': 
>>>> '86'}
>>>> This made me realize I hadn't actually linked the test manager account 
>>>> to the test client accounts. But when I tried to link them to the test 
>>>> manager account, I received this:
>>>> "You can't link this account because it's already linked to another 
>>>> manager in this account hierarchy. If you don't manage this account, 
>>>> please 
>>>> contact your top manager account to change its manager to this manager." 
>>>> Please see attachment.
>>>> As stated in the docs, "While logged in to AdWords as your test manager 
>>>> account, any client accounts you create will automatically be test 
>>>> accounts.", so I find it hard to understand that "it's already linked to 
>>>> another manager in this account hierarchy". These are test accounts 
>>>> created 
>>>> under a test manager.
>>>> As a side note, I am also having the same minor error described in the 
>>>> links below, namely that test client accounts are not showing where they 
>>>> should. While not fatal, this minor error might be related (or not)
>>>> Thanks in advance!

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