1) Up to 1 Gbps or more, if you have the budget for a large o3b earth

2) o3b is around 150ms, absolute lowest you'll see for geostationary 1:1
SCPC is about 492ms

3) Totally depends on how it's engineered for fade margin.

4) Depends on money, again.

Your questions are sort of like asking "how fast is a fiber optic cable".
In actual practice, I think you're asking about consumer graded
highly-contended, shared network TDMA, small VSAT terminals, which Chuck M
summed up neatly as "suck, suck, suck".

Satellite should be a last resort if nothing else is available.

If people are willing to pay for it, satellite services that cost
$400-800/mo or more (vs $110/mo consumer VSAT) are a slightly lesser degree
of suck.

I designed and engineered serious, higher-budget, two way satellite for
defence contractors and government agencies for years - send me a question
offline if you have something more specific in mind.

On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 6:38 AM Eric Muehleisen <ericm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Does anyone out there have any stats or experiences with satellite
> internet that you could share?
> 1. What kind of down/up speeds can they deliver?
> 2. What is the RTT latency?
> 3. How much is the service impacted by weather?
> 4. What are the typical data caps and pricing?
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