In gym class I was never an early draft.  Usually near the last.

I did play on local soccer and football leagues, but never stood out.  I did it because everyone else did it, and the parents said I had to do something extracurricular.  This is a bit of an embarrassing story, but when I joined the local Pop Warner football team I didn't know any of the rules to football.  Soccer was simple to muddle through --kick towards the other goal, don't use hands.  Football has a lot of rules.  The coaches never explained how to actually play and I never asked.  I just sort of tried to emulate the kids around me to get through the games.  I never figured out what a "down" was until I was in high school.

I haven't stayed in touch with any of the school athletes so I couldn't say how they're doing in life.

On 3/29/2020 1:07 PM, wrote:
Since we are all successful techno nerds here, I am wondering:
Back in the day, when you lined up and a couple of troglodytes were assigned the task of picking people for their teams, how near the front were you picked?
I was frequently next to last.  Better than being last.
The troglodytes that I know have not really had great lives.  Multiple spouses, menial jobs etc.
Who won?

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