Oh yeah. I do the rcreader all the time. Voice of authority.



On 6/26/2020 2:04 PM, Steve Jones wrote:
Links in article to conflicting studies

Odd how study results tend to ebb and flow with the political winds.

Remember how all the healthcare workers were dying, but now have managed to be resurrected? It's the miracle of modern science I tell ya.

All the outrage over the "defective" masks the administration ordered, but suddenly an old sock keeps everyone safe.

Stop doing what the chemtrails and 5g are telling you to do. It's just a distraction so you dont notice that climate change is melting the ice walls on the edge of the earth. When that happens, we will all wash of the planets surface onto the big turtle anyway, so it doesnt really matter if I wear a mask, maxipad, or the skin of my enemies face, none of us are going to survive a fall of that distance. If anyone happens to miraculously be cushioned enough to live through it, we will eventually fall off the turtle into space anyway and explode 

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020, 3:55 PM Seth Mattinen <se...@rollernet.us> wrote:
You can throw all the studies you want around, but people who refuse to
believe it simply won't. Otherwise it would mean they were wrong and you
can't be wrong on the internet anymore, you gotta die on the hill you
took. Politicians can't change their minds either because then they're a
flip-flopper or indecisive come election time.

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