Re: [AFMUG] OT - politicalIt’s the Steve Jones channel for me.  He ought to be 
a philosophy professor.  Or a talking head, or both.

From: Adam Moffett 
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT - political

Is this scenario based on Malaysian MH370? I do recall a lot of wild 
speculation about that one.

The news definitely screws things up.  But it's not feasible for all of us to 
be responsible for reviewing all the primary sources.  Not any more than for 
all of us to be our own doctors, lawyers, and plumbers.  Sooner or later you 
have to accept an opinion from someone else....whether that's Rachael Maddow at 
MSNBC or Steve Jones watching live streams and reporting to AFMUG, you're 
taking someone else's word for what happened because realistically you have to. 
 Even if you look at multiple secondary sources you're ultimately picking a 
version of events you find personally find more credible.

The alternative is to believe nothing from anyone, but I'm not sure where that 
would leave us as an electorate.  Perhaps it would leave us "vulnerable to a 
populist authoritarian demagogue".


On 7/20/2020 5:53 PM, Mark - Myakka Technologies wrote:

  A plane crashes in a field.  There is raw video footage of the burning ruble. 
There are no survivors.  Truly a very sad event.  Everyone turns into their 
news network of choice.  All networks can agree that a plane has crashed, there 
are no survivors, and there is no evidence to tell us why.  However, that story 
is good for about only 5-10 minutes of air time.  The networks must fuel that 
24/7 news.  They start bringing in the "experts". 

  Network A is pushing the narrative the plane was shoot down with a missile.  
They bring on "expert" after "expert" explaining how this could have happened.  
They show graphs and do cheesy cartoonish re-enactments.  They get leaked 
documents from unnamed sources saying they heard chatter about a major event 
that was about to happen.

  Network B is pushing mechanical error. They bring on "expert" after "expert" 
explaining how this could have happened.  They show graphs and do cheesy 
cartoonish re-enactments.  They get whistle-blower documents from unnamed 
sources showing repair history of the plane.

  Network C is pushing pilot error. They bring on "expert" after "expert" 
explaining how this could have happened.  They show graphs and do cheesy 
cartoonish re-enactments.  They get whistle-blower documents from unnamed 
sources showing pilot's past history.  They interview the pilot's ex-girlfriend 
that broke up with him the day before.

  This continues for days or weeks.  It moves from the networks to social media 
and blog sites.  At the beginning all could agree a plane crashed in a field 
and everyone died.  But now after weeks of being bombarded by multiple "expert" 
theories, people have taken sides.

  2 months later the report comes out, the plane flew into a large flock of 
birds that blew its engines.  A one in a million stroke of bad luck for the 
people on the plane.  But it doesn't matter.

  Some people will believe it was a missile and the government is covering it 
up to protect (fill in the blank)
  Some people will believe it was a mechanical error and the government is 
covering it up to protect the plane builder
  Some people will believe it was a suicidal pilot and the government is 
covering it up to protect the airlines
  Some people will believe that the whole thing was staged and never happened

  All of the above people will agree on one thing.  If you don't agree with 
them, your are an idiot.
  All of the above people will continue to argue with each other for months.  
They may disown family members that don't agree with them.  They may vandalize 
property of people that don't agree with them.  They may harm people that don't 
agree with them.  But in their minds they are right and the others a idiots, it 
is all acceptable. 

  There is a small amount of people that will realize a plane crash in a field, 
everyone died and there was a 2 month investigation.  They will accept the 
results and move on with their lives.


  Best regards,

  Myakka Technologies, Inc.


  Monday, July 20, 2020, 5:06:47 PM, you wrote:

       Most of the people saying "do your own research" are really just 
googling for the answer they wanted and then reading blogs they already agreed 
with.  Watching live streams of current events as they unfold would be on a 
whole other level, but I definitely do not have time in my day for that.  I 
don't know how you manage it.  One problem with that approach though is you 
can't cite any of it.  I have to take your word for what you saw and how you 
interpreted it, and that's not actually different from choosing to believe in 
whatever any given news agency presents me with.  
        I'd 95% agree with premise A, with the 5% being that there are always 
grey areas.  You could always imagine scenarios where we must choose to 
infringe one person's rights over another's (The Trolley Problem, or any of 
10,000 variations).  Definitely protesters blocking traffic without a permit is 
not ok.  
        Covid or not, screaming in someone's face will instigate or escalate 
violence.  Yes that's not ok.
        Destruction of property, also not ok.
        But the conclusion: "That eliminates the vast majority of these 
"protests"".  Huh? There are still several orders of magnitude more people 
marching than there are people damaging property, blocking traffic, etc.  
        I won't go point by point in the characterization of what deputized 
federal agents are or aren't doing in Portland.....I think you are largely 
correct in what they're doing and that they have the authority to do it.  The 
question is whether they should be exercising that authority in this time and 
place, especially when local authorities are asking them not to.  I'm not 
saying I have all the answers, but I have trouble accepting this hardline 

        On 7/20/2020 3:04 PM, Steve Jones wrote:

             Watch the skateboards. 
              I dont watch news footage, or much released video of the 
happenings, because its all edited for predetermined context. I watch live 
streams as things happen from the ground. 

              A. stopping anyones freedom of movement without permit is not 
peaceful, period. That makes every instance of blocking traffic non peaceful. 
Your rights end where mine begin, mine end where yours begin, there is no grey 
area, no overlap and nothing to discuss, it is simply fact. I mention permit 
because as a civilized society we have accepted the fact that we will 
occasionally give up some liberty for sanctioned events following an agreed 
upon protocol, hence permits. Whether that be a protest, fair, carnival, 
concert, road show.
              B. Given the covid nonsense, screaming in someones face is in 
fact violence (in illinois if spiddle hits, its aggravated battery right now). 
Once again, not non violent.
              C. Destruction/defacement of public property is not nonviolent. 
public property belongs to all people, not just those who belive that they are 
the only ones in "We the People". "street art" is not an acceptable form of 
protest as it is defacement of public property.

              That eliminates the vast majority of these "protests"

              Now, back to the skateboards. If you watch livestreams, the 
skateboads are new this riot season/election year. I couldnt figure out when 
this season started where all the usual occupy mob was at. Then I realized they 
brought about new tactics. The skateboards. They offer mobility, they are an 
excellent cudgel weapon, they can be handled even when jumping fences without 
losing transport. And best yet, there is no surface that holds fingerprints 

              If you watch livestreams, or can find unedited footage (good luck 
with that) youll see the skateboards present when the violence starts. In 
almost all instances, the first broken window is a hooded gimp in the periphery 
smashing a window and slinking off. The mob instinctively follows. By design.

              The first tagging, skateboard gimp tags and drops cans of paint, 
then slinks off. (but you have to ask where the rest of the cans come from. you 
dont bring spray paint to a "peaceful" protest. 

              Tow straps are part of a peaceful protest? I didnt realize, but 
theyre all there ready to pull statues down, regardless of the history of the 

              CHAZ/CHOP/CHUMP was a summer of love, remember? remember the 
locals loved it. totally peaceful. Except for the fact the locals were held 
hostage and have actually filed lawsuit as such.... not peaceful, we wont even 
discuss the murders, rapes, and theft.

              When local governments dont protect their citizens from lawless 
"protesters" infringing on their liberties, the federal government has the 
responsibility to liberate the citizens under siege. Or the citizen has the 
right to aptly address those who would infringe. You dont get to decide the 
level of threat another person feels by your choice to infringe. period, its 
not up for discussion. If you think it is, you are the epitome of a fascist, 
that is not how liberty works.

              As for these "jackboots" being unidentified, that is a lie, they 
are identified as police, and nowhere in the constitution does it say the 
government is mandated to tell you anything about what they are doing to 
others. The use of "unmarked vehicles" is also a lie A. those vehicles have 
license plates. B. Nowhere does it say transportation must be identified as law 
enforcement. As a matter of fact existing caselaw specifically states otherwise.

              These "peaceful protesters" being snatched up and whisked away to 
locations are having their minds wiped? nope. They know where they went, who 
took them and why. Just because they give a media interview stating otherwise 
doesnt make it so. If thatat is the case in isolated incidents, that will 
ultimately be handled as an egregious violation of rights... wanna bet CNN 
doesnt do any follow ups with these "victims" though? 

              so to anyone calling this bullshit "peaceful" I say ROTFLMAO, 
because there is no way to have any real discussion with anyone not operating 
in reality.

              Fact of the matter is, local and state government inept response 
and their actively condoning the infringement of citizens personal liberties by 
one group over another in an enlightened 2020 is what is going to lead to 
bloodshed, much sooner than later. It wont have anything to do with skin tone 
or who lays with who either. 

              On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 10:52 AM Adam Moffett 
<> wrote:

                   People can disagree.  If we can do it politely then we won't 
need lent rules.  Instead of laughing, tell me what the fault in my reasoning 
is and explain yours.  Or tell me what my incorrect fact is with a citation 
showing what the correct fact is.  We'd be in better shape if we could do that 
without lashing out.
                    I feel like we (the country) can't even talk about this 
stuff anymore.  We've removed all nuance from discussing complex topics and 
reduced it to meme politics.  We express an opinion with a picture and a one 
liner, and whether you agree or disagree puts you on one team or another.  Then 
we angrily shriek at each other about it.  THAT fatigues me more than ongoing 
protests ever could.  No vote we can make will change any of that, but maybe we 
can all change that part of ourselves.

                    On 7/20/2020 11:32 AM, Steve Jones wrote:


                          On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 10:26 AM Adam Moffett 
<> wrote:

                               Oh I don't know about that.  If a bunch of angry 
people assemble peacefully, it wouldn't take much for them to stop being 
                                There are accelerationists who absolutely want 
to start a civil war, but they're a fringe movement and giving them too much 
credit is the same mistake as giving "Antifa" too much credit.  IMO.

                                On 7/20/2020 10:57 AM, Bill Prince wrote:

                                 The BLM protestors are almost completely 
peaceful. It's groups like boogaloo who are creating all the ruckus.

                                On 7/20/2020 7:49 AM, wrote:

                                 Federal Hitler tactics are just a recent 
thing, these kids have been going nuts for a couple of months.  
                                I respect anyone’s right to PEACEFULLY assemble 
and to protest.
                                (Between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm M-F, holidays 
excluded, not on streets, must provide porta potties)

                                I don’t respect defacing or harming anyone’s 
property, public or not.  Burning, occupying etc.  

                                I really don’t know what their cause is.  Other 
than against police brutality.  That is a good cause.
                                Will setting fire to the police building help 
their cause?

                                I wonder if you can buy those rubber bullet 
claymore mines they tested out on Jackass?
                                Perhaps install a fire suppression system under 
the awning of your store but plumb it up to pepper spray.  

                                From: Jaime Solorza
                                Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 8:35 AM
                                To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
                                Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT - political

                                Hitler tactics by Bunker Boy...there , I said 

                                On Sun, Jul 19, 2020, 2:49 PM wrote:

                                 Not trying to break lent, but I am lacking 

                                What are the young white kids rioting about in 

                                I am from Oregon, I remember protests in the 
60s and 70s over Vietnam.  
                                I also remember a line of State Police walking 
through a park downtown and busting heads of those that did not clear out.  
Actually one of my first telco bosses had been one of those State Bull Cops.  

                                Are young white kids just aching for a chance 
at anarchy?  I don’t get it.
                                Misbehaving while trying to wrap some kind of 
noble cause around you is pretty childish.  
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