It is an old industry thing that you need 1 km cables and may test specs just 
boilerplate that into the spec.  
Back when semiconductors were much slower, in the days when OTDRs were 
invented, I am sure deadzones were that large.

My Inno OTDR has a dead zone of 80 cm.
My Viavis have a dead zone of 65 cm.  (event dead zones, the attenuation dead 
zones are at about 2.5m).

Using 1 km launch cables just make short measurements all that harder to see 
and measure accurately.  

From: Mike Hammett 
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2020 10:51 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] My solution

I think the manufacturer recommends a certain length of launch cable to get the 
most out of their product. I'd use whatever they recommend.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

Midwest Internet Exchange

The Brothers WISP


Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2020 11:31:33 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] My solution

I have mixed emotions about 1 km launch cables.  Most splicers these days 
have a dead zone that is in the range of 1 meter.  I have a 3 meter launch 
cable and it makes it really easy to dilineate C.O. connector and splice 
loss vs anything else.  If I had a 1 km cable then a C.O. connector or 
splice may be at 1.010 meters.
Also, I set everything up for feet not meters.  Go 'merica!

-----Original Message----- 
From: Seth Mattinen
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2020 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] My solution

On 9/10/20 08:42, Mark Radabaugh wrote:
> As far as testing - plug in the OLT and see what the reported signal 
> levels are.   Compare them with the acceptable levels and the number on 
> the other customers on that ONT port.    If signals out of line first 
> clean the connectors, then break out the optical power meter and check at 
> the NID to see it the issue is inside or outside.   If it’s outside check 
> and clean the connector at the pole/handhole if there is one.   If you 
> still can’t find it you can break out the OTDR, though keep in mind the 
> OTDR probably isn’t going to tell you much about the pigtail.   It’s very 
> difficult to see much of interest on an OTDR near the launch point, and it’s 
> hard to see anything when the pigtail splice is 3’ from the pigtail end. 
> Probably easier to just replace the pigtail if you think the splice might 
> be screwed up.

Add a 1km launch spool.

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