FB as any form of identity should be illegal, totally banned and 2fa should never even be considered for a social media entertainment account.  Ditto for google.  I sure as hell don't want them knowing diddly squat about me, they have no right to know anything and they have no right to dig/burrow/whatever to gather any kind of private info.  Did they ever pay you for your personal info?  then by what right do they have to sell your info?  Next you'll be calling them the government.  FB is a private business who sell your info to the highest bidder.  This practice should be illegal and banned in every civilized country. Attempting to generate revenue by selling advertising to a group of "likes/dislikes" I don't see much wrong with that, but attaching names and phones to real people is very wrong and sick!

And participants deserve what happens.  Yeah, go ahead and give them your phone number, yeah!  Give them your social security and bank account number too!  And your children's private info and while you're at it throw your parents and grandparents Social security numbers in there too!  Where's your door-code?  Might as well give them your house too!  Pretty soon they'll even know what you're wearing under those pants, oh that's right, you sent pics! Now they not only know what you look like, but they know your bank your account numbers, your social security, your address, your birthday, and your whole family as well and your underwear of the day.

And you gave it all to them for free, no strings and somehow you think a 2fa plus your using your real name is going to protect you?  FB and Google are both guilty of divulging your private data and I can't remember at any time in the last two decades a social media company ever going to jail or even paying a serious fine.

Your best safety valve is never giving FB and Google jack-shit in the first place and 2nd, request congress to put a stop to this gathering of private lintel and the resell of it.

On 2/24/21 8:10 PM, Steve Jones wrote:
Target market. A junkie will crawl across glass for a rock even if he wont take a shower.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021, 9:43 PM Adam Moffett <dmmoff...@gmail.com <mailto:dmmoff...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Some people might drive 10 miles to get a wifi signal, but some
    people barely have the motivation to get out of bed and take a shower.

    On 2/24/2021 8:38 PM, Steve Jones wrote:
    This got me thinking. What do you think the public's tolerance
    would be for full throated protection if it came at the cost of
    inconvenience, like you have to verify your identity to reset a
    password, but that also means a malicious actor would have to do
    the same. If one of the steps required human interaction, like
    going to a bank, or the dmv (never the dmv) or any authorized
    identity verification location. Almost every jail and police
    department in every podunk town has digital fingerprinting now.
    Most larger towns have businesses whose sole purpose is
    fingerprinting people. There are tons of ways to verify identity
    in person on top of the digital mechanisms attached to Nexus.

    Would the inconvenience force people to become more proactive to
    avoid the inconvenience, like actually use a legitimate password
    manager and 2FA? Would they maybe not click every link they see?

    I think its obvious that adoption, if voluntary  would be
    virtually nil. But what if the big 3 apple, Google and facebook
    implemented it? Noting that those three also are the verification
    medium for a large percentage of everything else.

    It's a matter of time until identity theft is a multitrillion
    dollar industry, the vast majority is rooted in convenience over
    security. I can see even republicans backing funding for this
    type of thing considering the cost is going to be much less than
    the recovery costs of id theft

    People will drive 10 miles to get a wifi signal for facebook,
    it's really not outside the realm of reason for this to be a
    feasible process.

    Can this idea be patented?

    On Wed, Feb 24, 2021, 1:13 PM Seth Mattinen <se...@rollernet.us
    <mailto:se...@rollernet.us>> wrote:

        On 2/24/21 06:17, Mark - Myakka Technologies wrote:
        > Well she got back in with help from my son. Still not sure
        what the
        > deal was.  Guess I'll have to start looking at 1Password or

        Facebook actually supports decent 2FA options like TOTP and
        FIDO (i.e.
        yubikey) for 2FA. I'd recommend enabling one of those.

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