There is another, alternative, way to read that paragraph, in that it might
be saying something like "just because they were a deadbeat in the past,
you can't deny them an EBB subsidy".   Not "if they're an EBB customer, you
have to provide them service without regard to their ability to pay".

I think this hinges on what it means by "ability to participate".   Does it
mean you have to accept people who are EBB eligible regardless, or does it
mean that you can't tell customers that they have to be current to retain
their EBB subsidy.
The first option would be stupid (but not beyond the government to put into
rules), the second seems reasonable - you can't use EBB eligibility as
leverage to get customers to pay.   "If you don't stay current, we'll
prevent you from getting your EBB subsidy and as such you'll have to pay
even more"

On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 10:05 AM Mark - Myakka Technologies <>

> For  those  that  are  doing  EBB,  what are your plans for non-paying
> customers?  In the order there is the following clause
> "participating providers must not deny an eligible household the
> ability to participate in the EBB Program based on any past or present
> arrearages with that provider"
> I read that as we can not terminate service is a customer does not pay
> their  share of the bill.  In theory a customer can sign up for a $125
> plan, not pay a penny and tell us to go pound sand.
> We  are  planning  to  tell  all  EBB customers if their account is in
> arrearages,  they will be reduced to our $55/month plan until they are
> paid in full.  I'm willing to eat $5/month.
> I  have sent an email to the FCC to see if this would be allowed under
> the order.  I'm waiting on a response.
> --
> Thanks,
>  Mark                
> Myakka Technologies, Inc.
> --
> AF mailing list

- Forrest
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