Don't see it that way. The twerp went looking for trouble, and he got it.


On 11/20/2021 11:17 AM, Jay Weekley wrote:
Two people caused their own death that day.  Yes, he should have stayed home that day as well as all the rioters.

Bill Prince wrote:
The point that should be made is that exactly two people died by any means that day, and the young twerp was the cause of both. If he had stayed home watching Walker Texas Ranger (or whatever gets his jollies up), no one would have died.


On 11/20/2021 11:04 AM, Jay Weekley wrote:
I won't be hit in the head with a skateboard or anything else more than once.

Bill Prince wrote:
Let's count how many people were killed by skateboards that day.


Still zero.

Shoot 'em anyway.


On 11/20/2021 10:46 AM, Jay Weekley wrote:
As skateboard can be a deadly weapon. People die from one or two punches to the head. In fact, we are more likely to be beaten to death by someones hands or feet than be killed by a rifle of any caliber or style.

Robert Andrews wrote:
Hold them accountable with _Due Process_ which this kid got but the "rioters" didn't. I think if it was your relative that was dead in the street YOUR perspective might be different.   No one died in this event _Except_ as a result of this kid. Was it right that the guy was beating him with a skateboard, NO.  Was he going to die from the beating with a skateboard?  Not likely... Was he at a house/business defending it/them? No  Was he a perfect Media (either side) tool, most certainly...

On 11/19/21 1:19 PM, Larry Smith wrote:
So in your view the riots, burning, looting are ok but not
the holding of them accountable.  Wonder if it were your
house or business (or families) if you would feel differently.

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