They pasteurize the eggs with radiation. Nuclear eggs.

On 12/20/2021 12:53 AM, Forrest Christian (List Account) wrote:
Do you feel the same way about divinity?

BTW, they now sell Pasteurized eggs which are somehow heated to kill the salmonella without cooking the egg.

Personally I'm with you about eggnog.  Used to drink it now and again (the non alcoholic version) but it's not really my thing. 

I also don't like anything which involves runny egg yolks. 

On Sun, Dec 19, 2021, 11:00 AM Chuck McCown via AF <> wrote:
1)    I don’t like raw eggs. The thought of consuming raw eggs makes me queasy.  And I have eaten raw eggs multiple times just to be able to speak with authority on the subject.  It is inarguable that I do not like raw eggs.
2)    Raw eggs can contain salmonella.  Got that once in a biological warfare attack and do not want to repeat it. 
3)    If you like eggnog, just let some vanilla ice cream melt and drink it.  Same thing. 
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