Title: Re: [AFMUG] POTS line over IP network?

I did this with a pair of grandstream devices years ago.  If no one else chimes in with a good idea, yet me know and I'll dig up my notes.

Best regards,

Myakka Communications


Thursday, March 3, 2022, 12:47:45 PM, you wrote:

Is anyone aware of a device that will take a POTS line from the telco, convert it to IP, and then somewhere on the network convert it back into a normal analog POTs line to plug into an analog handset?

Basically, I have a customer who owns a gift shop. They have a restaurant in a separate building behind the gift shop. Currently, they have a POTS line that is strung from the demarc, and across the ceiling of the gift shop. At the rear, it exits the gift shop and makes its way into the restaurant where it eventually plugs into a phone. They want to get rid of the wire that runs across the ceiling because it looks crazy stupid. Unfortunately, there's a reason the wire was originally run that way--there isn't really another way to get it to the restaurant without tearing a bunch of stuff apart (lack of attic and crawlspace). However, I do have an ethernet network in place between the two buildings, and can relatively easily get a wire from the demarc to a network switch.

So, what I'm envisioning is a pair of boxes. One of the boxes plugs into Ethernet has an FXS port to plug in the POTS line. The other box, also plugs into Ethernet and has an FXO port to plug in the phone. They see each other over the IP network, and magically transport the POTS line to where it needs to be.

Do such devices exist?

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