They don't remember what they don't want to remember...

On Wed, Jun 8, 2022 at 1:58 PM Nate Burke <> wrote:

> "If you want Internet, we have to mount the radio in this single spot on
> your roof, and you HAVE to keep that one tree in your yard from getting
> any taller"
> "This tree right here?  I'll keep it so trimmed that it'll probably die,
> I'll cut it down before you're out of the driveway, I really need Internet"
> <Fast forward 3 years>
> "Your internet sucks"
> "Your radio has been slowly losing signal all spring, have you kept the
> tree trimmed?  The tree we told you at install would cause a problem in
> a few years if you didn't' trim it."
> "What tree? They never mentioned a tree, ever, why did you install it if
> it was going to stop working?"
> I don't know if that's worse, or the guy that we installed the radio on
> his 70' concrete silo with no ladder because he had a bucket truck, and
> that was the only place it would work.  He insisted it wasn't a problem
> because he owned the bucket truck.  Fast forward a year to his radio
> dead after a lightening strike, where's the bucket truck?  He sold it
> because he didn't need it anymore.
> --
> AF mailing list
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