I have fought for years to get a signed waiver for this shit, for this
specific reason, but the boss always thought that was too cumbersome.

At least got techs to not install through trees that "will get trimmed this

On Wed, Jun 8, 2022 at 1:58 PM Nate Burke <n...@blastcomm.com> wrote:

> "If you want Internet, we have to mount the radio in this single spot on
> your roof, and you HAVE to keep that one tree in your yard from getting
> any taller"
> "This tree right here?  I'll keep it so trimmed that it'll probably die,
> I'll cut it down before you're out of the driveway, I really need Internet"
> <Fast forward 3 years>
> "Your internet sucks"
> "Your radio has been slowly losing signal all spring, have you kept the
> tree trimmed?  The tree we told you at install would cause a problem in
> a few years if you didn't' trim it."
> "What tree? They never mentioned a tree, ever, why did you install it if
> it was going to stop working?"
> I don't know if that's worse, or the guy that we installed the radio on
> his 70' concrete silo with no ladder because he had a bucket truck, and
> that was the only place it would work.  He insisted it wasn't a problem
> because he owned the bucket truck.  Fast forward a year to his radio
> dead after a lightening strike, where's the bucket truck?  He sold it
> because he didn't need it anymore.
> --
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