Took long enough. No one should be in prison for simple possession of weed.
It turns non-violent criminals into something worse than that. I'm sure
it's traumatizing for those incarcerated for something that didn't hurt

Why put people in prison for weed but sentence people way less time, or not
at all, for physical abuse, battery, sex crimes, etc? It's sick!

We see too many black people in prison for weed but white people get
charged less or are released on probation for rape with evidence.
Particularly, young white men who "have a future" and the judge wouldn't
want to ruin their life. Forget about the woman they raped, it's just boys
being boys.

Obviously not every judge is a shit head racist, but some of them are and
they should be weeded out. The US incarcerates way too many people as a

On Thu, Oct 6, 2022, 4:44 PM Bill Prince <> wrote:

> My nephew has a close friend who was sent up 8 years for possession of 2
> or 3 ounces of weed. I think he got a couple years off for good behavior
> or something, but the kid wasn't even 21.
> --
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> --
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