The PON can be split anywhere along the line. The headend OLT can be close
but often is far, usually a cabinet feeding multiple blocks, sometimes a
pile of them in a shed that feeds a whole town or small city. At the OLT
location there will be UPS and usually feed redundancy.

On Fri, Mar 15, 2024, 6:58 p.m. Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

> Since there are FTTH people here and I’m mostly ignorant of such things,
> maybe someone can clear something up for me.
> I always assumed a PON based FTTH system had a topology kind of like HFC.
> I expected fiber down the street with splitters, but fed by some sort of
> neighborhood node in a cabinet with power and electronics, fed by active
> EPL style fiber.  Which could have redundant paths, rings, etc. so a fiber
> cut wouldn’t take down a whole town or multiple towns, the backbone traffic
> would reroute.
> I’ve been told this is not the case.  And that instead, each PON could go
> back over a strand to a headend several towns and many miles away, all
> passive.
> Sorry for the poor description of my question, hopefully you can figure
> out what I’m asking.
> --
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