CALEA hasn't been on my radar much, so this is probably an old topic, but
it's one I don't know much about.


If you provide WiFi in a public space how do you handle compliance?  We have
parks, airports, and other public spaces with managed WiFi.  There are also
MDU's with WiFi in a public area like a courtyard, lounge, lobby, etc.


My understanding is you have to be able to capture traffic if you're ordered
to do so.  Do you also have to be able to identify the individual?  


If they ever asked me to capture all traffic from the park WiFi..sure no
problem.  If they gave me a particular IP, port, and time, and they wanted
me to start capturing traffic AND identify who it was, then I would only be
able to tell them it was someone at the park.  At best I could give them a
MAC address and hostname.  If I have to identify the customer that's easy:
the municipal parks department, but I'm guessing that's not what they will
want to know.


Will this stuff get us in trouble?




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