
Any bias of course comes from the web content it’s digesting.  Sooner or later 
it’ll spew out some Neo Nazi talking points it found on Reddit.  I heard with 
Chat GPT they sanitize the list of inputs, but really it’s only a matter of 
time before it starts learning that stuff. 


Then, of course it will eventually find some context where substituting 
“humans” for “Jews” makes sense, and then Skynet will be born.  And since human 
operators of Predator drones have an incredibly high rate of PTSD it will make 
a lot of sense to put an AI in charge of them instead.  Combine the two things 
and now we’re screwed.


The robo-apocalypse is coming, man.  Hide your wife and kids.  Find yourself a 
nice analog Bofors L/60 autocannon to defend your stronghold from drone 





From: AF <> On Behalf Of Steve Jones
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2024 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] AI tools


chatgpt is great for technical stuff, it writes all mysql queries for me and 
has written a couple contracts.

for customer interaction it's still too obvious, and irritating that most go 
through 2 to 3 AI layers before agent actually gets you to a human.

I have yet to find one without a left bias, not outwardly problematic til a 
customer is having a problem accessing a gun site and it spouts agenda. 


On Mon, Jun 3, 2024, 9:02 AM Ken Hohhof < 
<> > wrote:

Seems like all AI get a lot of their training on Reddit.  Pros and cons to that.


From: AF <> On Behalf Of Adam Moffett
Sent: Monday, June 3, 2024 7:51 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group < <> >
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] AI tools


I just gave Perplexity (free version) two questions where I know how GPT 


"How do I configure OSPF export filters on Arista EOS?"

This answer was accurate, in fact it was more concise than what I got from chat 


"How do you configure an XGS-PON interface on the Nokia ISAM 7360?"

This answer was wrong.  Now, to be fair, Nokia has a lot of products, and I 
think what it gave me was the correct commands for a different Nokia product.  
It's the right sort of syntax you'd see on a Lucent/Alcatel/Nokia product, it's 
just wrong for the ISAM 7360.  


Another difference between those questions is Arista's documentation is freely 
available on the web whereas Nokia's documentation requires an account and 
login to access.  The reason I'd look for help on Nokia is specifically because 
the commands can vary, and the documentation is too much to digest for a mere 
human.  The doc package for the ISAM 7360 is >20,000 pages.  That's not 
counting release notes, white papers, forum posts, and technical notes.  So 
this is the exact sort of thing I really would like help researching and it 
gave me a wrong answer on the first test. 


I followed up with "These instructions may be for a different Nokia product. 
Are you sure they will work on 7360 ISAM?"  It provided several citations and 
concluded, "....therefore the instructions I provided should be applicable to 
the 7360." 


The first citation is a reddit post about configuring the ports on an NT 
(ethernet) card.  It apparently learned the naming convention of PON ports from 
another source and adapted the instructions on reddit using the NT card command 
syntax and inserting the PON port names.  That's an impressive bit of learning 
and correlating sources, and it's the sort of thing a human might try while 
learning the platform.  It's still wrong though.  





On Sat, Jun 1, 2024 at 7:27 PM Ken Hohhof < 
<> > wrote:

Anybody here use AI on a daily basis, like for research or creative purposes?


I’m an AI naysayer, but this looks awfully attractive.  There’s a free tier, or 
unlock the full capability and almost unlimited queries for $20/mo.  I’m not 
sure I could do a decent eval on it though.


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