That's the same thing we found. Too much work for what you get in return... even people with good credit will stop paying the bills they know can't really effect their credit score.


On 10/7/2014 9:00 AM, Sean Heskett via Af wrote:
meh too much work.

get payment upfront for as much as possible (install and first month) bill ahead for the month instead of behind and turn off service quickly for non-payment.

credit checks are too expensive and bothersome.

2 cents


On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 8:35 AM, Adam Moffett via Af < <>> wrote:

    My mission this morning is to figure out how I'm going to do
    credit checks on potential new customers.

    While I'm on hold with Experian, I wonder if anybody else is doing
    credit checks who can share what they're doing.  What company are
    you using?  How much does it cost? How hard was it to get set up?

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