On 10/31/14, 9:38, Robbie Wright via Af wrote:
You're correct Seth, there is a difference between the envelope sender
and the mail from address.In the case of DMARC, it requires that the
envelope sender domain match that of the dkim domain and that of the
mail from domain to achieve what they call alignment.

I can't recall who did the move, but they chose option number 3a here:

I agree, not seeing the original sender's email addy isn't ideal. From a
mail sending stand point, the list is doing it correct (in my opinion)
but it does make it a little less usable.

I can't really agree anything right is happening. Most glaringly, threading has been fubar'd to all hell and my AFMUG folder now looks like a post-apocalyptic wasteland of disarray. Maybe most aren't used to clients that do real threading or have separate "Reply" and "Reply List" functions, but I can't stand how this list now operates.

The thing is that what it says about DMARC isn't happening here:

"DMARC introduces the concept of aligned identifiers. Briefly, it means the domain in the RFC5322.From header must match the domain in the "d=" tag in the DKIM signature for DKIM alignment, and/or match the domain in the RFC5321.MailFrom field for SPF alignment."

"Take ownership of the email message by changing the RFC5322.From address to one in the mailing list's domain, and adding a DKIM signature for that domain. Several variations are covered below."

In the headers the DKIM signature has "d=amazonses.com" where From is "afmug.com". That doesn't look like what DMARC calls alignment to me. Since SPF historically operates on the envelope sender, not the from header, that's always worked before DMARC. However, tweaking an SPF implementation to start checking the From header would reject lots of things with an -all policy.

And on a side note, next time I'm in Tahoe, I'd love to buy you a beer
and talk about TahoeIX. I love the idea of smaller IX's like that and
would love to see/hear what you guys are doing.

Sure, I'd happy to give a tour of what's set up for the IX and go into the details. It's still quite small due to just being started in September, but it's pretty exciting.


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