> I didn't realize the PTP450 didn't have gigabit ethernet in it.  In that
> case, there's always a syncpipe parasitic.   Yes, one more (short) cable,
> but functionally similar to the uGPS.    I.E. uGPS = cable from poe injector
> to radio and cable from radio to uGPS.  Parasitic = cable from PoE injector
> to parasitic, and *2* cables from parasitic to the radio.
> In the case where there's a syncinjector on site, you could also replace a
> syncpipe basic with a syncpipe deluxe and get two timing ports (or with a
> syncbox 12 to get 12 timing ports), and still use the same GPS source as
> everything else.  There is also the option of building a long version of the
> cable described at:
> http://manuals.packetflux.com/index.php?page=using-a-syncpipe-parasitic-with-a-syncinjector
> and running it from the sync expasnion output on the last syncinjector.

Does the syncpipe parasitic have shielded ethernet ports?

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