I have tried Haci and had some difficulty understanding it clearly but I have used Racktables for a while and its been a great help. I am still tailoring the racks and hardware stuff but its great for keeping up with ips both v4 and v6
It seems to be one that is still maintained also.
Using a radius server with a nice gui to auto provision dns or other objects would be cool.

On 11/29/2014 7:02 PM, Mike Hammett via Af wrote:

What are you guys doing for IP management?

Ideally, the system I used would be free, support ARIN's RESTful API, IPv4 and IPv6, building of DNS zones.

The only one I've seen that does the ARIN stuff doesn't meet the free qualification. There's no price listed anywhere, only scheduling a demo. (6Connect)

Trying to forge ahead with IPPlan, but there's been no updates in 4.5 years and the documentation available doesn't seem to be for the beta version that supports IPv6.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions


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