Sorry for the hijack, but is there any way to get the new listserve to ignore double spaces? Or is this something the new listadmin put in to slap the back of our hands when we put in too many spaces?

<part {dash} 15 {at} SkylineBroadbandService {dot} com>

On 12/18/2014 9:55 AM, George Skorup (Cyber Broadcasting) via Af wrote:
I think what you're running into is the annoying ARP cache on Canopy. If you're on the same L2 segment, but completely different IP subnet, it still caches your IP/MAC pair. There's no way, at least that I know, to clear it, you have to reboot the radio. Telnet in and run 'arp -a' and you'll see what I mean.

On 12/18/2014 11:32 AM, Dennis Burgess via Af wrote:

So, have had this issue before, with ICMP redirects and Canopy equipment.� Basically a MT by default will send a ICMP redirect, and the canopy device adds a route into its routing table, regardless if its correct or not, then can�t access that device from the specific IP that that redirect was for until I reboot the canopy device clearing that entry.� MT has added the ability NOT to send ICMP redirects, but once its done, I don�t think of anything but a reboot of the canopy will fix it..�


Any other alternatives to this?� Route delete does not work on the canopy.�




DennisBurgessSignature <> � 314-735-0270 � <>


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