Trevor where are looking to start a WISP?

Many of us have started(Some still using) with just using quickbooks and
excel spreasheets.  You can use something like IPPlan to manage your IP
info.  Use Mikrotik routers (Many of us are familiar with them), the
biggest question is what type of gear to use.  It would depend on the
density of trees, etc.  Hit me offlist if you want more info.


erich at northcentraltower dot com

On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 6:21 PM, Trevor Bough <> wrote:

> Hi guys, long time listener, first time caller. I'm looking at starting a
> new rural WISP and was wondering if you guys could share some of the things
> you wish you had known when you started out. Things to absolutely stay away
> from, things that you didn't think of first, but made your life 10x easier,
> etc. Any info would be greatly appreciated!

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