Assuming you are going underground, simply apply for an excavation permit. 

If they ask, tell them you are a long haul fiber company similar to Level3 and 
You do not need to be a CLEC.  Local ROW jurisdictions don’t even know what 
that is.
You may need a franchise agreement.  That depends on the city or county.  But 
that is straightforward.

If on poles, much more paperwork and regulation.  

From: Zephyr Broadband 
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 10:56 AM
Subject: [AFMUG] Laying your own fiber?

So we've started looking at trenching our own fiber but we've run into a couple 
roadblocks and I thought I'd reach out to the list and see if others have run 
into similar issues. Obviously this is location and jurisdiction dependent, but 
we can't seem to get anyone from City Hall to return our calls or offer any 
hints as to where to look.  

How did you get permission to use utility right of ways and easements? Did you 
file for CLEC certification? Did you look at a CATV franchise agreement with 
your city? Did you approach each landowner and negotiate your own easement? 

Also, do any of you offer triple play services? We haven't had a lot of luck 
looking into distribution agreements for TV services either. 

Any info or resources would be appreciated! 

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