So did all you folks stop worrying about the 5 GHz rules? They are already a done deal, the end of new equipment authorization is coming soon, to be followed by end of sale.

Seems like this is as big an issue if not bigger than having to pay into USF which, let's face it, we just turn around and add as a below-the-line charge on customer bills. Customers have already proved they don't pay attention to below-the-line charges, plus all the competition would be doing it as well. The main downside I see is if they increase the size of the CAF fund and our big competition gets even more subsidies to overbuild us.

-----Original Message----- From: Rory Conaway
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] the future of being an ISP

You should change it to, "when required by corrupt, geriatric, ignorant, and moronic government politicians". There is no question why Obama is pushing this, he is an ideological idiot with absolutely no management or economic skills. Add to that his feelings are hurt that the rest of the country is now seeing him for the egomaniac immature child that he is. Wheeler is now just trying to keep his job temporarily but I guarantee is trying to find a way out of this that preserves his lobbying business. The second he can get out, preserve his reputation, and probably not let his boss destroy the country and his future/former clients any further economically than he already has, including the 1200 new regulations taking effect now that will cost at least $200B this year alone, he's gone.

All I know is I didn't go far enough with my Tom Wheeler article. Obama blindsided me on his need to destroy another industry and make government bigger.


-----Original Message-----
From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] the future of being an ISP

We have always had the disclaimer in our service agreement that it would include taxes/surcharges if/when required by the government. Doesn't make it taste any better, but it covers the reality.


On 1/21/2015 6:23 PM, Seth Mattinen wrote:
On 1/21/15 18:07, Rory Conaway wrote:
I think we need to tell every single customer why the rates went up.
There is another election in 2 years.

Your rates aren't going up. The explanation to the customer is simple:
"the total bill is higher because the government added a new tax. The
pre-tax price of service hasn't changed. We're not making any money
off this, if anything it adds more overhead to collect it. If you're
unhappy with this tax then call/write your representatives in congress."


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