My mum has TWC VoIP service and it sucks....I have never embraced it.
On Aug 11, 2015 5:10 PM, "Chuck McCown" <> wrote:

> Oh, yeah, Elevator Alarms too...
> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 11, 2015 5:08 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [AFMUG] voip inadequacies
> I am compiling a list of sip/voip issues I have run into over the years.
> I am going to get beaten up by some bureaucrats tomorrow morning and I want
> to have a list to defuse them before the oral part of the proceedings start.
> I am going to say that ATA/SIP/VOIP is not suitable for the following:
> Fax Machines (don’t even get me started on this, tried to do a doctor’s
> office and pharmacy once....)
> TDD  The teminal that deaf people use.  Does anyone know if a TDD will
> work on a garden variety ATA?  I don’t have one I can test with.
> Dial up modems....
> Fire Alarm control panels (the monitoring companies refuse to even hook it
> up if you tell them it is VOIP).
> Burglar Alarms .... ditto
> I wonder about heart monitors that you wear and have the results phoned in.
> Dial phones.  I have never tried to use a pulse dial phone on an ATA/SIP
> unit.  I wonder if it would work.
> Any others?

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