Years back, on a tower on top of a mountain in the city limits (City Park)
there is a Public Safety tower up there.   We were going up to hang a
sector on it.   When we got to the top, there was something up on the top
of the 30' tower.   Looking closer, it was one of those concrete garden
ornaments.   A Raccoon in fact.   Strapped up there with the plastic
stretch packing they use to wrap pallets.   Not sure why someone packed
that heavy thing up there and strapped it to the top of the tower, but we
got a chuckle out of it.

On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 9:29 AM, Nate Burke <> wrote:

> Not sure what the story is here... haven't been to this site in about a
> year and found this. Maybe someone is trying to ward off the evil RF demons
> to improve their signal.

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