Ahh hell... Just give em 2 connections from same tower and do some fancy load balancing with a mikrotik at the end that you manage. If they can get 2 connections from 2 diff locations even better but suggest keeping DSL and adding you as a primary. SLA from you alone
should be 4x the amount of those 2 connections.

On 8/28/2015 8:37 PM, Adam Moffett wrote:
Maybe they're referring to symmetric routing then? And yeah outside of a LAN you can't get it. It also doesn't matter outside of a LAN. There's a real phenomenon that can happen with firewalls where you send a TCP SYN on one interface and the corresponding ACK is received on a different interface due to an asymmetric path. The firewall might drop the connection and report the ACK as being spoofed.

Now I've bumped into two different LAN guys who saw asymmetric paths across the internet and thought it needed to be fixed.

On 8/28/2015 9:22 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:

What if No they meant synchronous as in same path. They made that clear, but it clearly indicates they don't know data outside an office.


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