First off I'd yell how dumb that is.  You don't pay for service and we
can't shut you off?  Piss off guys.  Entitled little...

Second I'd go with Faisel, after taking a deep breath.  They're struggling
on DSL and probably weary of a new provider.  Look at it from their

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373
On Aug 28, 2015 7:53 PM, "Seth Mattinen" <> wrote:

> On 8/28/15 15:24, wrote:
>> I never turned one of these down.  It is the drug dealer model. Once
>> they are hooked, they are hooked.  They need you so bad they will behave
>> when the times comes, if it comes.  Treat them right, be courteous when
>> they do have problems, apologize profusely and keep them informed as to
>> the nature of the problem and they are generally pretty reasonable.  I
>> never had an onerous SLA ever actually call upon the terms, they just
>> wanted things fixed.  Of course I always prorated the outage plus a bit
>> extra.
> I've always prorated outages, but I'd never agree that a customer can't be
> disconnected for not paying because they don't feel like paying. If you'd
> go that far you're much braver than I am.
> ~Seth

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