Cut down some trees

On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 2:41 PM, Bill Prince <> wrote:

> -89 is not a "usable" power level IMO.
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 10/7/2015 12:57 PM, Justin Marshall wrote:
> Hi,
> �
> �
> I recently updated a UBNT Rocket M5 to 5.6.2 from 5.5.4. Since this
> update, one of the clients will not connect.
> �
> This AP originally had 6 SM�s connected at 5490.� After the upgrade
> from 5.5.4 to 5.6.2, 2 of the SM�s didn�t come back. �These 2 were
> not at the best signal (-86 and -89).� If I swapped frequencies to 5740
> the 1 connected at -86 popped back up at an -88 and the other SM�s are
> ~-2 db.� But still no sign of the one that was at -89.
> �
> This led me to believe UBNT probably lowered the output power for DFS
> frequencies somewhere between 5.5.4 and 5.6.2�
> �
> One would think that downgrading the SM�s and AP back down to 5.5.4
> would put things back the way they were but that doesn�t seem to be the
> case.
> �
> I even sent a tech onsite to swap out the unreachable SM with one that had
> 5.5.4 on it.� He said the one with 5.5.4 and the one with 5.6.2 both see
> the AP at -89 under �Site survey� but won�t register to the AP.
> �
> I�m at a loss here� Does anyone have any suggestions of things to try,
> or a magic firmware version (folks on the UBNT forums say 5.5.4 is best for
> DFS frequencies) that might make this AP act the way it did prior to
> upgrading to 5.6.2?
> I�ve already tried every other 5 Ghz Frequency available (with a mix of
> different country codes), most with worse results.
> �
> Thanks,
> Justin
> �

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