Proof it's all fake:

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 1:38 PM, Chuck McCown <> wrote:

> Uh uh, nope, I have proof...
> Video proof... doesn’t get any better than this!
> *From:* Josh Luthman <>
> *Sent:* Monday, December 07, 2015 11:34 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] WAY OT: Concealed Carry handguns - which to buy
> and why
> It's all fake!!!
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Chuck McCown <> wrote:
>> Their supermarkets are very well stocked...
>> *From:* Mathew Howard <>
>> *Sent:* Monday, December 07, 2015 11:30 AM
>> *To:* af <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] WAY OT: Concealed Carry handguns - which to buy
>> and why
>> So you're saying that you really don't think North Korea is the ideal
>> society?! :P
>> On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 12:28 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm <
>>> wrote:
>>> the paying the government to protect us is tongue in cheek, see the
>>> attached image of greatness being supreme leader of nation peace through
>>> obedience, disarmament making for no death shoot, imperial scum see
>>> dominance in masterful power and soon dominate simple worlds
>>> On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 12:19 PM, Sam Morris <> wrote:
>>>> Couple of things here Patrick...and I mean these comments respectfully.
>>>> The SCOTUS disagrees with your interpretation of the Second Amendment,
>>>> as do roughly 120 million gun owners in America. The opinions of liberal
>>>> scholars means exactly squat.
>>>> Also, the first ten amendments (the Bill of Rights) can *not* be
>>>> altered without abolishing the entire US Constitution.
>>>> Getting back to the OP's question - I've carried everything from a .45
>>>> Glock 19 Gen 4 to my Israeli-made .50 cal Desert Eagle. I'm a big dude so I
>>>> can get away with the larger guns and concealment. I stopped carrying the
>>>> DE only because I didn't want to shoot the bad guy and kill three good guys
>>>> standing behind him.
>>>> And I will say this to which whomever it was who said we pay the
>>>> government to protect us: At the same event where you and I met (in St
>>>> Louis) Patrick, I was walking back to my hotel (two blocks from the event)
>>>> after a long night of training and networking. It was about 1:00 am. As I
>>>> was walking back, two of St. Louis' finest citizens (dirtbags) approached
>>>> me, making it very clear that they weren't selling girl scout cookies. When
>>>> they were about 50 yards away I took out my Glock and racked a round (I
>>>> won't carry hot because as someone else mentioned here it doesn't have a
>>>> safety). When these two scumbags heard that cartridge rack, they turned and
>>>> bolted. I saw nothing but assholes and elbows.
>>>> I didn't have to point my weapon at them or even show it to them, much
>>>> less fire it. However, had I not had it with me, I have every reason to
>>>> believe I'd likely not be here typing this to you.
>>>> Sam
>>>> On 12/7/2015 11:41 AM, Patrick Leary wrote:
>>>>> Yawn. The general population never made that boast until the NRA in the
>>>>> 1980s changed their tactics to spur slagging gun sales. They moved the
>>>>> conversation to patriotic themes, talk of freedom, and other pabulum
>>>>> gobbled up by folks. Contrary to popular “conservative” thinking, this
>>>>> is not settled law. In fact, even Scalia has been clear it’s quite
>>>>> open.
>>>>> Part of the issue is the meaning of “arms” and “keep” and “bear,” as
>>>>> well as the limits therein. But, even more important is how modern gun
>>>>> advocates neglect the entire first part of that amendment and pretend
>>>>> it
>>>>> does not exist at all, when rather, it is, in fact, the entire
>>>>> modifying
>>>>> context of the latter part of the sentence.
>>>>> I quote;
>>>>> "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
>>>>> State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
>>>>> infringed."
>>>>> The NRA has done yeoman’s work pretending that part of the amendment
>>>>> does not exist. The “well regulated militia” is the subject, not guns.
>>>>> The rest of the sentence is the modifier. “People” in this case are
>>>>> represented by each state’s militia.
>>>>> There is a significant opinion among many scholars that individual
>>>>> citizens have no right at all to a gun.
>>>>> Secondly, no right is absolute. Government even grants itself the
>>>>> authority to regulate our inalienable rights (capital punishment,
>>>>> etc.).
>>>>> Amendments can also be altered, like the idiot 18^th , in the face of
>>>>> changing realities. The reality of then was a muzzle-loaded, single
>>>>> fire
>>>>> musket.
>>>>> And, even if anyone wants to play elementary games and claim
>>>>> literalism,
>>>>> good luck with that, as that same text says nothing about ammunition,
>>>>> keeping and bearing LOADED arms.
>>>>> Patrick
>>>>> *From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Jeff Broadwick
>>>>> -
>>>>> Lists
>>>>> *Sent:* Monday, December 7, 2015 12:10 PM
>>>>> *To:*
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] WAY OT: Concealed Carry handguns - which to buy
>>>>> and why
>>>>> Since when is a discussion of our legal, Constitutional rights
>>>>> "pathetic" Patrick?  We are talking about a tool, like any other, that
>>>>> can be used to protect ourselves and others.  WISPs are often out in
>>>>> remote places in the dead of night...or at inner city data centers.
>>>>>   They are vulnerable.  I know that one person on this list would
>>>>> likely
>>>>> not be here right now if he hadn't been able to show a gun to someone
>>>>> that was about to bash him with a baseball bat outside a data center.
>>>>> Jeff Broadwick
>>>>> ConVergence Technologies, Inc.
>>>>> 312-205-2519 Office
>>>>> 574-220-7826 Cell
>>>>> <>
>>>>> On Dec 7, 2015, at 11:58 AM, Patrick Leary <
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>     I’ll just note this is a pathetic thread to have in any society
>>>>> that
>>>>>     considers itself civil. Hell, even in the “wild west” the local law
>>>>>     had people check their weapons into the sheriff when they came into
>>>>>     town. In fact, formerly, states like Texas lead the country in
>>>>>     banning open carry.
>>>>>     “All the more surprising, then, that Texas was the first state to
>>>>>     ban its citizens from carrying handguns, a restriction that
>>>>> remained
>>>>>     on the books for 125 years.”
>>>>>     And just read this scholarly article from 1999:
>>>>>     *Gun Control and the Old West*
>>>>>     By Ross Collins
>>>>>     History News Service <>,
>>>>>     Summer 1999.
>>>>>     The smoke has cleared, and we peer down at the victim: another gun
>>>>>     control bill, shot full ‘o holes. Just like in the old horse
>>>>> operas:
>>>>>     a hero again shoots to protect a precious freedom, America’s right
>>>>>     to bear arms. For many who keep a romantic image of America’s past,
>>>>>     gun control is like that, a battle steeped in American tradition.
>>>>> It
>>>>>     calls us back to those legendary days of the Old West, when cowboys
>>>>>     defended their honor and their horses by way of their Colts
>>>>>     .
>>>>>     In fact, most historians see the cowboys of the Old West as THE
>>>>>     defining heroes of 20th-century America. He’s used to sell
>>>>>     everything from soap to hats. He’s apparently also an ideal
>>>>> American
>>>>>     for anti-gun control groups: gun shows and gun advertising promote
>>>>>     from a distinctive Old West flavor.
>>>>>     Today’s anti gun control forces count their strongest support among
>>>>>     society’s leaders from the states that once formed part of the Old
>>>>> West.
>>>>>     The actual Old West pioneers of historical fact viewed matters
>>>>>     differently, however. They would certainly hail the campaign to
>>>>>     protect an American right to bear arms, but the record puts them
>>>>>     behind "moderate, common-sense measures" for gun control—the very
>>>>>     kind that President Clinton has proposed.
>>>>>     Pioneer publications show Old West leaders repeatedly arguing in
>>>>>     favor of gun control. City leaders in the old cattle towns knew
>>>>> from
>>>>>     experience what some Americans today don't want to believe: a town
>>>>>     which allows easy access to guns invites trouble.
>>>>>     What these cow town leaders saw intimately in their day-to-day
>>>>>     association with guns is that more guns in more places caused not
>>>>>     greater safety, but greater death in an already dangerous
>>>>>     wilderness. By the 1880s many in the west were fed up with gun
>>>>>     violence. Gun control, they contended, was absolutely essential,
>>>>> and
>>>>>     the remedy advocated usually was usually no less than a total ban
>>>>> on
>>>>>     pistol-packing.
>>>>>     The editor of the Black Hills Daily Times of Dakota Territory in
>>>>>     1884, called the idea of carrying firearms into the city a
>>>>>     “dangerous practice,” not only to others, but to the packer
>>>>> himself.
>>>>>     He emphasized his point with the headline, "Perforated by His Own
>>>>>     Pistol."
>>>>>     The editor of the Montana’s Yellowstone Journal acknowledged four
>>>>>     years earlier that Americans have "the right to bear arms," but he
>>>>>     contended that guns have to be regulated. As for cowboys carrying
>>>>>     pistols, a dispatch from Laramie’s Northwest Stock Journal in 1884,
>>>>>     reported, "We see many cowboys fitting up for the spring and summer
>>>>>     work. They all seem to think it absolutely necessary to have a
>>>>>     revolver. Of all foolish notions this is the most absurd."
>>>>>     Cowboy president Theodore Roosevelt recalled with approval that as
>>>>> a
>>>>>     Dakota Territory ranch owner, his town, at the least, allowed "no
>>>>>     shooting in the streets." The editor of that town's newspaper, The
>>>>>     Bad Lands Cow Boy of Medora, demanded that gun control be even
>>>>>     tighter than that, however. Like leaders in Miles City and many
>>>>>     other cow towns, he wanted to see guns banned entirely within the
>>>>>     city limits. A.T. Packard in August 1885 called "packing a gun" a
>>>>>     "senseless custom," and noted about a month later that "As a
>>>>>     protection, it is terribly useless.”
>>>>>     Old West cattlemen themselves also saw the need for gun control. By
>>>>>     1882, a Texas cattle raising association had banned six-shooters
>>>>>     from the cowboy's belt. "In almost every section of the West
>>>>> murders
>>>>>     are on the increase, and cowmen are too often the principals in the
>>>>>     encounters," concurred a dispatch from the Texas Live Stock Journal
>>>>>     dated June 5, 1884. "The six-shooter loaded with deadly cartridges
>>>>>     is a dangerous companion for any man, especially if he should
>>>>>     unfortunately be primed with whiskey. Cattlemen should unite in
>>>>>     aiding the enforcement of the law against carrying of deadly
>>>>> weapons."
>>>>>     This echoes President Clinton’s reaction following the failure in
>>>>>     Congress of the most recent gun control proposals: “The American
>>>>>     people will not stand for this.” So far they have, however, as
>>>>>     recalled by the record of defeated attempts to legislate control.
>>>>> As
>>>>>     U.S. Rep. Martin Sabo (D.-Minn.) noted, “there’s broad public
>>>>>     support for it, but he opponents are much more intense about it.”
>>>>>     The Old West’s leaders who argued for gun control knew that a long
>>>>>     time ago. Their arguments sound as contemporary at the end of this
>>>>>     century as they were earnest at the end of the last. But despite
>>>>>     them, few packers have been persuaded to put away their pistols,
>>>>>     then or now.
>>>>>     Copyright 2004 by Ross F. Collins
>>>>>     <
>>>>>     <>>
>>>>>     Wayne LaPierre sure has done his job well. He’s made most of you
>>>>>     fooled into thinking owning a gun is a patriotic act without you
>>>>>     realizing you are just another tool for raking in the dough. He’s
>>>>>     been so successful he’s converted gun ownership into a religious
>>>>>     issue, to point that whether or not you own a gun is highly
>>>>>     predictive of your being an evangelical Christian.
>>>>>     Patrick
>>>>>     *From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Cameron
>>>>> Crum
>>>>>     *Sent:* Monday, December 7, 2015 11:38 AM
>>>>>     *To:* <>
>>>>>     *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] WAY OT: Concealed Carry handguns - which to
>>>>>     buy and why
>>>>>     I carry a Colt 45 Defender. It is relatively small for a 45. An NSA
>>>>>     buddy of mine, who had been in several close range shootouts in his
>>>>>     career asked me one time why I carry a 45. I told him that I'd
>>>>> never
>>>>>     been in a firefight. I don't train in high pressure situations, and
>>>>>     while I'm proficient at the range, I don't train for situations
>>>>> like
>>>>>     he did or the cops do. If I am in a situation where I have to pull
>>>>> a
>>>>>     gun, my adrenaline is going to be pumping like crazy, and I may be
>>>>>     moving to cover or trying to stay out of the way of bullets myself.
>>>>>     I may only hit what I'm shooting at once if I'm lucky. I want the
>>>>>     once to count.
>>>>>     On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 10:30 AM, That One Guy /sarcasm
>>>>>     < <>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>         define legally
>>>>>         If a bear shits in the woods, will tight shoes cause callouses?
>>>>>         I dont know why any of you want these killing machines, the
>>>>>         government has guns, and we pay them to protect us. Your gun,
>>>>> if
>>>>>         you hand it to a bad guy, is 100% of the time going to be in
>>>>> the
>>>>>         bad guys possession, and if that bad guy happens to be 5, youve
>>>>>         just given a child a handgun, are you saying we should arm
>>>>>         children? Why are you trying to kill children, children are the
>>>>>         future, teach them well and let them lead the way.
>>>>>         Imperialist scum be furthering decline humanity. Mighty leader
>>>>>         will devour you in fear.
>>>>>         <image002.jpg>
>>>>>         ​
>>>>>         On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 10:17 AM, Chuck McCown <
>>>>>         <>> wrote:
>>>>>             Can you legally own hand grenades?
>>>>>             *From:*Mathew Howard <>
>>>>>             *Sent:*Monday, December 07, 2015 9:15 AM
>>>>>             *To:*af <>
>>>>>             *Subject:*Re: [AFMUG] WAY OT: Concealed Carry handguns -
>>>>>             which to buy and why
>>>>>             you do if you want to conceal it... :P
>>>>>             On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Chuck McCown
>>>>>             < <>> wrote:
>>>>>                 You don’t need a CC to carry a Springfield 30-06....
>>>>>                 *From:*Paul McCall <>
>>>>>                 *Sent:*Monday, December 07, 2015 9:03 AM
>>>>>                 *To:* <>
>>>>>                 *Subject:*[AFMUG] WAY OT: Concealed Carry handguns -
>>>>>                 which to buy and why
>>>>>                 I am getting my CC permit (Florida) in a week or so.  I
>>>>>                 took an absolutely excellent class from the main
>>>>> trainer
>>>>>                 at the Brevard county sheriff’s office.
>>>>>                 Now, I am looking for an excellent CC gun to use, as my
>>>>>                 long barrel Colt 38 is not a good fit for that.
>>>>>                 I am certain that this group probably has a LOT of
>>>>>                 expertise (and many opinions) on THE gun to use.
>>>>>                 J
>>>>>                 Paul McCall, Pres.
>>>>>                 PDMNet / Florida Broadband
>>>>>                 658 Old Dixie Highway
>>>>>                 Vero Beach, FL 32962
>>>>>                 772-564-6800 <tel:772-564-6800> office
>>>>>                 772-473-0352 <tel:772-473-0352> cell
>>>>>        <>
>>>>>        <>
>>>>>         --
>>>>>         If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see
>>>>>         your team as part of yourself you have already failed as part
>>>>> of
>>>>>         the team.
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>>> --
>>> If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team
>>> as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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