It's funny that everyone says "You can't say that and win"... yet Utah has voted Republican for the last 10 elections (40 years). I think it's a lot like Idaho, that many people check the first "Republican" box on the first page, and never turn the book to even see who that is or what they even stand for.

Do you really think if Trump wins the nomination that Utah would vote for Hillary over Trump? A woman as President, in a state of 50% Mormon, where they don't allow women to hold any real leadership positions?

Trump knows he has Utah and Idaho because they have voted Red for the last 40 years.


On 3/21/2016 10:13 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:
Would you want a new CEO of a WISP to be hired from the auto insurance industry or perhaps a retired school principal? IMO A chief executive should have some experience with the legislative process and some military experience. Foreign policy experience would be something I would look for on a resume. Trump has been saying that he doesn’t really mean or believe some of the hyperbolic things that have came out of his mouth. I know the Lt. Gov fairly well here in Utah. His family are 100 year ILEC owners. Have known them for years.
This is what he said after the Trump speech:
"I need to say this, OK, ...and last night Donald Trump did something and said something that I never thought I'd see a candidate for president do and say, especially someone in the Republican Party." "Think about that for a second," Cox told the crowd. "A person running for office, in our party, thinks it's OK that if you question his politics, he can question your religion. I have a message for the 3 million people in Utah for Mr. Donald Trump: That's not how we roll in Utah, and that's not how we roll in the United States of America."
*From:* Travis Johnson <>
*Sent:* Monday, March 21, 2016 10:01 AM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Trump in Utah
It's time for a change... that's the bottom line. Everyone else running is a "lifer"... someone that has been in politics or has wanted to be, their entire life. Nobody else is going to make any REAL changes. It's time for something different.

It's also refreshing to have someone say what they REALLY think... instead of giving lip service for six months before the election, and then having them not do anything that they said. At least Trump is saying what he thinks.


On 3/21/2016 9:24 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:
He may be super smart and has ideas that really could be good for the country.
He may be a super skilled negotiator.  He may be lots of things.
He looks like a megalomaniac bully that has no social graces. I don’t care if he was running for the local chamber of commerce, you just cannot act like that if you want to represent me and my interests.
*From:* Jaime Solorza <>
*Sent:* Monday, March 21, 2016 9:20 AM
*To:* Animal Farm <>
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Trump in Utah

Even some Mennonite folks I spoke with in Cauthemoc think Trump is bad for US.

On Mar 21, 2016 9:07 AM, "Chuck McCown" < <>> wrote:

    Trump questioned Romney's faith.  Not something you do in Utah.
    And Romney is a special case.  He came in and turned around the
    winter Olympics here and really saved the day.
    Kinda a favorite son.
    *From:* Kurt Fankhauser <>
    *Sent:* Monday, March 21, 2016 8:47 AM
    *To:* <>
    *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Trump in Utah
    What happened on Friday?

    Sent from my iPhone
    Kurt Fankhauser
    Wavelinc Communications
    P.O. Box 126
    Bucyrus, OH 44820
    tel. 419-562-6405 <tel:419-562-6405>
    fax. 419-617-0110 <tel:419-617-0110>

    On Mar 20, 2016, at 5:21 PM, Chuck McCown <> wrote:

    Latest polls in Utah show:
    Utah, collectively, votes “anyone but Trump”.
    (Things were not looking great for him but he really shot his
    own dick off on Friday).
    Polls now show, if Trump is the other candidate, he loses.
    No matter if it is Hillary, Bernie, Ted...
    Gotta love Utah!

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