Spam and botnet activity is far more harmful to the health of your network
and the IP reputation of your netblocks than anything DMCA related.

torrents and DMCA notifications don't hurt the network. Knowingly leaving
something that is a repository of virii/worms/trojans online is just bad

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 7:09 AM, That One Guy /sarcasm <> wrote:

> We have a particular customer, We have been getting tons of abuse reports
> on their static IP, I assume we will never be able to wash this sullied IP
> clean. Theyre not really doing any harm to our network, or impacting others
> on the network, they are in full breach of our TOS, thats for sure.
> suprisingly, its primarily spam and botnet activity, but no DMCA.
> Is there any liability on us as an ISP to not address this affirmatively
> with the customer. Im going to contact them, may offer a leased fortigate
> UTM option. But if there isnt a resolution, other than their static IP
> residing on every blacklist can we get nailed?
> Its a good customer, pays their bill on time, worked with us through a
> service issue without the usual "gimme discounts and free shit or im going
> elsewhere" I dont want to HAVE to disconnect them if im not required to and
> theyre not impacting others if they cant or wont resolve the issues
> --
> If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team
> as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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