Im going to expose the breadth of my incompetence here, but there are some
questions in this document I want to make sure im answering accurately

1. Are you the owner of the AS Number with RIR- This im assuming is our
ARIN direct allocation?

2. Are you registered with an Internet Routing Registry? - Im not sure what
this is, is this also ARIN or do I need to register something elsewhere?

3. Which type of routes do you want to receive?  - Full routes is what we
want, but are there caveats in this answer I need to be prepared for?

4. Do you have downstream ASNs? - I assume this would be customers with
their own allocations? We currently do not, but do not want to close the
door on that in the future. Is this something easily updated in the future?

5. List all prefixes to be announced so that we can confirm the BGP ACL
prior to activation: We only have a /22, but we do want the option down the
road to pull /24 from one provider if need be. Would we list the /24s
independently or the /22 as the aggregate?

6. MD5 Password: On this is it standard practice to use the same password
with all providers or different ones?

If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as
part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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