many plumber shops have a large scanner/plotter thats exactly perfect for
this purpose

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 4:02 PM, Brandon Yuchasz <>

> So fairly off topic but since I live in the middle of nowhere ( great
> place for a wisp) I don’t have access to normal businesses like a copy
> shop. A friend loaned me some old topo maps of an area I spent a lot of
> time in each fall. The maps have hand written notes on them along with GPS
> cords in some cases. He said to make a copy and return the maps to him. The
> problem is nowhere close to me can make copies this large. They are color
> and the largest map is 35”x 28”. I am wondering if anyone knows of a
> company that they have used in the past that I could send these too and
> have them make two copies of each and then send them all back.
> They are too large to scan and a digital photo uploaded to a printer won’t
> cut it on quality.
> Best regards,
> Brandon Yuchasz

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