My house burned down, so what. What do you mean you can't come out TODAY and re-install my service in my "shed" where I'm sleeping now!? ("shed" being a metal out building that's bigger than the house). True story.

On 7/11/2016 12:18 PM, Robert Andrews wrote:
That is the definition of an unreal expectation...

On 07/11/2016 10:15 AM, Ken Hohhof wrote:
Did I miss a memo about this being the designated week for customers to
go on vacation?  Subscribers have been popping up red like crazy the
past 2 days on our network monitor.  Not like the fades we get this time
of year due to field corn, these go down and stay down.

One of them just called though and said he set his hour on fire so the
firefighters had the electricity turned off.  Yeah, I guess he's going
to visit the relatives now.

Amazing how customers expect us to notify them any time we have any kind
of planned outage, but they don't feel the need to tell us when they
turn off their equipment for a week.

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