The Nagios script does the same (although the fact that Josh made is is geeking me out - I have to rely on stuff someone else made). The Nagios agent on the BIND9 runs rndc-stats, which updates the stats file with new data. The agent then reads and parses the stats file, sends the new data back to the Nagios server via an encrypted channel and the data gets written to the RRD. Rinse, repeat.

Jesse DuPont

Network Architect
Celerity Networks LLC

Celerity Broadband LLC
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On 9/12/16 11:04 AM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 11:24 AM, Josh Baird <> wrote:
Are you talking about something like this?

Inline image 1

You need to figure out how to get the data *out* of BIND.  Newer versions expose a statistics channel via XML that you can use to get data like this.  For the graph above, my NMS (Zenoss 4) SSH's into each DNS server and executes a little custom script that I wrote which returns Nagios-ish style data:

OK|success=1022736319 referral=339 nxrrset=93439175 nxdomain=163271953 recursion=373732835 failure=18408551 duplicate=13564673 dropped=0 numzones=143 recursiveclients=2 rtt10=278 rtt10_100=430614909 rtt100_500=52986868 rtt500_800=75607 rtt1600=989

Zenoss then uses this data to produce the graph that I pasted above.

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 11:43 AM, That One Guy /sarcasm <> wrote:
Im using DNSTOP to monitor real time activity on these servers I made live (interesting to see just how perverse some of our customers are) but is there a good tool for monitoring visually statistics, queries, cache, errors, etc that doesnt involve building yet another server to monitor these?

If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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