1310 10gb 10km

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 1:38 PM, Eric Kuhnke <eric.kuh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What frequency and tx power of singlemode?  You do not need to attenuate
> 1GbE 1310nm LX (5-10km reach) or 10GbE 1310nm LX optics for very short
> distances. Tons of ISPs use all 1310/LX optics for intra-rack and
> intra-suite fiber XCs because they're cheap, easy and multimode is dumb.
> If you are using optics which are marketed as capable of 20, 40 or more km
> reach (and/or 1490nm, 1550nm optics) you do need to attenuate on the Rx.
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 11:20 AM, TJ Trout <t...@voltbb.com> wrote:
>> Do I need to pad my optics at 100ft? Or could someone tell me how to
>> estimate the loss so I can compare to the spec?

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