Good point, thanks.  

From: Jesse Dupont 
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2016 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Need help with DHCP problem

We've had to reboot E7s before because of DHCP snooping failures on ONTs.

Sent: Friday, September 30, 2016 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Need help with DHCP problem
To: <>

We didn’t do any Calix changes and we don’t think they can push a change.  

From: Paul Stewart 
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2016 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Need help with DHCP problem

Yup … 

Four steps to DHCP that you should see on the capture


(DORA for short)

Once the Ack is completed then the ONT should have an IP and only come back 
looking for a new IP near expiry and/or a power event etc…

I’d suggest testing against the DHCP server with a PC with short expiry as 
noted .. if that works fine then go further upstream and repeat.  really sounds 
like an ONT issue - did you do any changes with Calix firmware or anything like 

Just some guesses


  On Sep 30, 2016, at 10:01 AM, Adam Moffett <> wrote:

  That was supposed to say "if you can ping the ONT from the DHCP server"
  stupid fingers can't keep up with stupid brain.

  ------ Original Message ------
  From: "Adam Moffett" <>
  To: "Animal Farm" <>
  Sent: 9/30/2016 9:59:04 AM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Need help with DHCP problem

    You're doing exactly what I would do.

    The renewal is unicast, so if you can the ONT from the DHCP server then the 
unit should be able to renew.  My guess would be something in the middle either 
dropping the request from the client or dropping the ack from the server.  
Maybe a misbehaving switch or misconfigured firewall rule.  Wireshark and/or 
logs on one end or the other might tell you which step is not happening, but 
they won't tell you which device is dropping the ball.  I'm guessing you'll run 
wireshark, see a missing packet from somebody and then have to packet capture 
at points in between to see if the missing packet is present or not at that 

    ------ Original Message ------
    From: "Chuck McCown" <>
    To: "Animal Farm" <>
    Sent: 9/29/2016 11:12:12 PM
    Subject: [AFMUG] Need help with DHCP problem

      I have not dug into the entrails of DHCP since NAT was added to Canopy, 
so long time ago.  I have Calix ONTs that are going away when their DHCP 
reservations expire.  They normally get them from DHCPatriot.  People lose 
service, they call, we reset the ONT and service comes back.  

      Started a couple of days ago, no network changes to speak of.  But about 
30% are having the problem.  

      There is no way the DHCPatriot could be causing this is there?  Once it 
hands out an IP and a reservation time, it is out of the loop, right?

      I suggest setting up an ONT with a reservation time of 1 hour then 
wireshark the DHCPatriot to see of the ONT ever comes knocking, or if it does, 
what is going on between those two.  

      Any other troubleshooting ideas out there?  Going to bed, hopefully there 
will be a bunch of brilliant posts in the morning leading us directly to the 
bad actor.  

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